Chapter One - The Arrogant Toerag

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Lily's POV

"Look Lily, I never meant to call you a Mudblood, it just -"

"Slipped? Damn it Severus! You know, I thought our friendship would last longer! You were my first ever friend, you introduced me to the magic world, you.. you were always there for me. And -" I couldn't control it, tears were rolling down. I cried, I felt awful and devastated, like I didn't know what to feel.

"Lily." Severus attempted to hold my shoulder, but before he could, I ran. I wanted to escape, I never wanted to see that face of his, all those flashbacks were coming back and the thought that he was not my friend anymore was just terrible.

"Hi, my love" James winked. I had the worst luck ever. First Severus, now James?

I ignored him, I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

"A-are you crying?" James asked, concerned. Wow James, since when did you care?

Was still ignoring him, he followed me. "Evans!" He yelled. People were staring at me, which I found typical. They've been spreading this 'Jily' love team, betting one another about James and I. He've been spreading rumors, more of lies, about him liking me when fifth year started. And I was so sure it was one of his and Sirius' tricks.

I headed to the Gryffindor common room, I didn't want to talk to anyone just yet. And besides, I had loads of homework to do.

"You do not sleep in my classes, Mr Potter." Professor Mcgonagall informed. He was usually like this, he would sleep during classes. I was always wondering why, Severus told me it has something to do with Remus.

Honestly speaking, Remus was totally okay. He was responsible, of course. He was a prefect just like me. I trust Remus and I know he wasn't going to do stupid things unlike James, Sirius and Peter, I thought.

Sirius slapped James' head. James squinted both his eyes, and was eager to smack Sirius down, but he caught professor Mcgonagall's gaze.

"Mr. Potter, go sit with Ms Evans. You're disturbing my class." My eyes widened. I just noticed, Mary wasn't sitting next to me. She wasn't even in the class today. I guess I'll have to look for her after this lesson. Everyone giggled. I've heard a bunch of 'Jily' whispers. Professor heard it too, for sure. And she was actually smiling. What the actual heck?

I looked at James, he was smiling. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Speaking of Jily, I turned to Severus. He had his head down on the table.

Someone knocked, it was Professor Dumbledore.

"I'll be right back, class." Professor Mcgonagall left.

James turned to Severus. "James, what ever you're planning on doing. Stop it. NOW!"

He smiled, "And why would I do that, Ms Evans?" Ugh, he was insane.

"Because you're an arrogant toerag!" I yelled. As a prefect, it was my job to do this. I had to stop what ever crazy issue was there in the class.

Sirius came close to us and whispered something to James. James nodded. I was so fed up! I squinted my eyes at James and Sirius. "Okay, okay." James said.

"Good, because I don't want it to happen again-" I stopped. Flashbacks came to me..

It was afternoon, in the garden. I was so excited to show Severus my new watch my mom gave me! I've always wanted a magic-like watch.

There I saw, Severus tied up in a tree. "JAMES!" I yelled. "STOP!" I cried.

"I will, if you go out with me." James winked.

I was so frustrated I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I guessed he noticed because a few second later, Severus was untied. He stared at me. "You filthy little mudblood"

I stared at him in disbelief. His expression then changed, from anger to guilt and regret. "Apologize!" James yelled. "NOW!"

Severus bowed his head down and ran away. I- I couldn't believe he just called me a mudblood.

"Are you okay, Evans?" James asked me.

"You know, I would never go out with you! Even if it were a choice between you and a giant squid! So will you stop doing this!" I ran up to the common room.

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