Chapter Three - The Potion

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James' POV

It was Quidditch against Hufflepuff today. I felt a little nervous and more of excitement. Today is my first day of being a chaser! I thought. For the past few years, I was always a seeker.

Was walking around, I caught Evans there. I smiled, although she rolled her bright green eyes. She's gorgeous, I thought. "Good morning, sweetie." I greeted. What was a morning without greeting your sunshine, right?

She rolled those gorgeous eyes of her again. She walked away and I went straight to the hall. I saw a bunch of girls towards me. Oh no.

"James!" A gang of girls were yelling. They handed me some papers to sign. I sought for Sirius' help but he gave a smirk. Damn it, Sirius. I tried to avoid most of them, but it was hard when they were all circling me.

"EXCUSE ME! EAT YOUR BREAKFAST NOW!" An orange haired girl pushed the girls blocking me.

I winked at her, "You're the best, Evans"

"As a prefect, this was my job. Stop flirting, you still have a match to do." She informed and walked away.

Sirius placed his hand on my back. I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. I sat next to Evans and greeted her, as usual, she ignored me, gorgeously. I was also so excited for Quidditch that I couldn't wait anymore. Being a chaser should be fun, well at least that was what I noticed.

* * *

"The day we've been waiting for!" Phil Jordan commentated. "Gyrffindor vs Hufflepuff! Good luck my Gryffindor fellas"

"JORDAN!" Professor Mcgonagall yelled.

"Okay, okay, sorry. Good luck to both teams!" He corrected himself.

I was a little nervous so I looked at Evans for motivation. She was standing, cheering for Gryffindor. I smiled at her.

Both teams flew with their broomsticks. I took the quaffle and tossed it to the goal, past the keeper.

"10 points to Gryffindor! Good job, James." Phil commented. I grabbed the quaffle from Tris who was Hufflepuff's chaser. I passed it to Matt who was also a chaser.

"20 points to Gryffindor I love this team." Phil laughed and I heard Professor Mcgonagall yell his name again.

"Severus. Severus"  A familiar voice yelled. Everyone stopped. "Severus, please. I think I'm in love with you."

It was Evans.

I stopped and stared at her. Evans? In love with Severus? Not now, please.

"10 points to Hufflepuff. Damn it."


"Severus, Severus." Evans ran to Severus and hugged him. Severus hugged back. I felt pain. Terrible pain. Tears rolled down my eyes. She finally made a choice. And that was Severus. I landed down, left my broom on the ground and ran to the common room.


I didn't want to. I sat on the ground. Evans chose Severus. The guy who has been hurting her. But she freaking chose her.

Sirius entered and sat next to me. "Moony and Wormtail was going to come but I guess you wanted to be alone. But I'm still here because I know you want me to stay."

I didn't answer, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. "ASHLEY CAUGHT THE SNITCH AGH" I heard Jordan.

We lost. Hufflepuff won. This was all my fault, I should've expected this to happen, it might've hurt lesser. Evans will never like me. I was nothing like Severus. He was after all, her best friend. He was always there for her and I saw how much their friendship mattered to Evans, and it might've been ever more than 'friendship.' Sirius patted my back. "I know what you're thinking. But honestly, there are more girls there. I can't believe how she chose that stinky Snivellus."

"James! James!" A familiar voice knocked. Sirius stood up and opened it. It was Mary.

"Lily has been love potioned!" Mary panicked. My eyes widened. What?  I gave her a confusing look, before I could give my word, she continued.

"I-I heard the Selin, the Slytherin girl. S-she saw Severus with a potion. And it was pink. And that's how it all started, when Lily drank this drink, I couldn't see 'cause I was busy cheering but you get my point!" She explained real fast.

'Time to hex stinky Snivellus." Sirius laughed. I ran to the Slytherin common room, on the way, I saw Severus. I pushed him towards the wall.

"Where is she?" I said, angrily. "I know what you did so stop acting like you don't know!"

"Hospital wing." He said directly. I punched the wall and ran. Sirius then, dealt with him.

I entered the room and I found Professor Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Slughorn there.

"Where is she?" Professor Dumbledore pointed at the orange haired girl who on the bed, she looked very pale.

"I don't know which love potion he used. This isn't normal, but she will be okay." Professor Slughorn told professor Dumbledore.

"Seh- Veh- Rus" Evans sobbed. I bowed, there was no difference. Love potioned or not, she chose him.

Professor Dumbledore patted my back. "I know how much you love her, James."

I stood up. "I think I should call Severus, professor."

"Je-eyms." Evans then whispered. My eyes widened. She repeated. I smiled.

"Then, we'll leave you two."  Professor Dumbledore said. I nodded and smiled, and they left us.

I stared at Evans, I love her.

*  *  *

"Uh, James." Evans held my hair. I was sitting with my head bowed on the bed.

"You're awake!" I smiled. She gave me a confusing look.

"W-what happened?" She asked. I think I should just keep this to myself. I meant about her being love potioned, although I'm sure a few people would inform her, and about her sobbing my name.

I smiled. "That doesn't matter for now." I stroked her soft hair.

She slapped my hand. "Don't touch me."

I smiled more. She was really back to her old self, and I was glad.

*    *   *  

Evans was finally back.

During Transfiguration, she had this mad expression while talking to Mary. "Let's see after this class." I heard her.

I followed her after the class and I found her walking right towards Severus. "HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed. I hid behind the bushes, hoping they wouldn't see me. "I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE IF I COULD TRUST YOU." Evans slapped Severus' face.

"You mu-" he started.

"SAY IT AND YOU'LL TASTE MY FIST." I pushed Evans behind me.

"James, it's fine. Let's go." Evans grabbed me. I squinted my eyes at Severus and followed Evans.

"Thank you so much, James."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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