Chapter Two - Dumbledore's Affection

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Lily's POV

We were required to go to our head house teachers. Professor Mcgonagall was Gryffindor's. She gave us a bunch of advices about our upcoming O.W.L or Ordinary Wizarding Level, one of the most important Wizarding exam.

She've also asked us some questions of our ambitions soon. I was a bit excited, I loved taking examinations. I really hoped I would get better marks this year.

I headed to the library with Mary, to at least study a bit. I was reading some books about the Dark Arts. I was one of the best students in Slughorn's class, but Severus was always the best one. I really wished he was with me right now. We could've studied together like we used to do.

I looked outside, Severus was reading. Probably studying. Meanwhile, James was with Sirius, laughing weirdly. He should really close his mouth while laughing, I thought.

Was staring at James, how did I detest this guy again? Well. He was a bully, arrogant. He've been hexing Severus the past four years. Those days when I usually defend Severus just like the way he did defend me against people who called me a freak and I get that a lot. Especially from my sister, Petunia. She's a muggle. She knows nothing about the Magic world, but she started judging me. She called me a freak. We used to be those really close sisters but now, I guess not anymore.

"Lily! You've been reading the same page!" Mary said. I blinked and turned the next page. I should really stop thinking about those, I thought.

Sirius and James came. Ugh, not this again. I stood up and went to the shelves, pretending to get some books, although my real intention was for them not to see me.

"Stop hiding my love." James laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't hiding."

I could hear a few giggles. But I didn't care, why would I anyway? "But I was your love, Prongs!"

I've heard Sirius called Prongs a few times but I never actually thought about it. I don't care, like at all.

"Not really. Evans will always be my one and only." Few more giggles. Sirius frowned.

Professor Mcgonagall and Dumbledore walked past us.

"It doesn't matter. I'm dating Dumbledore anyway." Sirius laughed.

We gave him a what the heck- look. "Really!" He expressed.

"Please don't mind him. He has been flirting with the teachers to avoid detentions." James stated.

I nodded slowly. "Okay?"

Professor Dumbledore and Mcgonagall caught our attention. I gave them my polite look.

Sirius winked.

Professor Mcgonagall gave him a disgusting look.

Professor Dumbledore winked back.

"The Merlin was that!" Mary expressed, surprisingly.

"Told you guys!" Sirius laughed.

James walked away like nothing happened.

"Hey my love! Don't be jealous! You're my only one!" Sirius followed him.

Mary and I bursted out laughing.

- - -

Mary and I then went to the hall for lunch. James and Sirius were there, hexing Peter. When will they ever change? "Hey sweetie." James then sat next to me. I tried pushing him away but my strength failed.

"How are you Lily Evans?" Sirius asked me, as if we didn't talk for days and so.

"I'm fine, thank you." I said.

"Evans why are you so nice to my friends and not me? What did I ever do to you?" James asked. "It's a bit sad." James gave me a baby frowning face. I rolled my eyes and ate.

"Everyone." Professor Dumbledore stood up. "I would like to inform you that there will be a Quidditch Match three days by now. Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff! I hope you've started practicing."
Everyone looked so happy. James highfived some people. James used to be a seeker in the team. And now, a chaser. He looked really glad. He've always wanted to fly with his broom and bla. I loved riding bicycles just as how much he loved Quidditch.

I smiled at him, he smiled back. A smile I've never actually seen. Wait. Why did I smile at him? What, noo. I certainly didn't.

"And of course, for the fifth year levels. You'll be having your O.W.L's next month. I wish you all luck." Professor Dumbledore continued.

I went back to my common room and saw Mary on the bed. "Hey."

I smiled and opened my book. "You know what I heard?" Mary asked. I shook my head. "You know Selin right?" I nodded. Selin was a student from the Slytherin house. "She said she saw Severus with a love potion!"

My eyes widened. "A love potion?" I asked, just to see if I heard things right.

"I don't know, that's what she said. And I think it's for you." Mary continued.

"Ah, Mary." Kath said. "Don't believe everything Selin says."

"Me? No way. He loved me like a sister, nothing more." I said, confused.

"Just be careful." She said and lay down. "Good night."

"Good night." Kath answered.

Who would Severus give the love potion to? That's insane, I thought. We've been best friends for what? Five years. And not even once, we talked about his love life. Selin was probably lying. Of course she was! She was the gossip girl in this school.

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