Directioners Imagine!

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I would like to thank Tarah Smith for writing this and allowing me to post it here :) enjoy :)

Imagine this:

You're in the very back at 1D concert. You didn't have very much money, so you had to sit in the lawn section. Sure, it sucked, but you were still there. The show starts and Niall opens You and I. You know there's no way in the world that any of them will notice you, but you were jut happy to be at the show. Liam's part was next, and you sang along. You sang as loud as you could, even though you knew they wouldn't hear you.

"You're pretty good." A voice beside you says, and you turn to look at none other than Maura Horan. You blink in shock. Is this real? Is Niall's mom really in front you? She chuckles.

"Thank you..." You manage to splutter. You're awestruck. This was the last thing you expected. But then you blinked. "Wait, why aren't you up front?"

"I came back here to see the fans who couldn't see the show." She explained.

"That's great!" You exclaim.

"I'm talking to the boys after the concert." She says. "Would you like me to give them a message?"

You nodded so hard you felt like your head would fall off. You turned to your mom, who had just happened to have a notebook and pen in her purse. You opened it to a blank page, and began thinking about something to write. Eventually, you scrawled "Thank You" across the page. You didn't know what else to say. You rip the page out, not even bothering to check the back. You hand the piece of paper to Maura, but not before putting your name on it. You gave it to Maura and she smiles.

"I'm going back up front now." She says.

You nod. "It was nice meeting you." You reply. She nods.

"It was nice meeting you too." With that, she walks off. You enjoy the rest of the concert, knowing the boys will be able to see the message. Eventually, the concert ends, but you're so happy that you can't even see strait. You look over at your mom, who sighs.

"Ready kiddo?" She asks. You nod. You start to head for the exit gate, but before you can get far, someone grabs your arm from behind.

"What's the last number?" A familiar Irish accent says in your ear. You turn around to see the one and only Niall Horan. Your eyebrows rise in interest.

"What do you mean?" You finally ask. He hands you the piece of paper. All you see is your "Thank You" scrawled on the page.

"Turn it over." He suggests.

You turn the paper over to see a phone number on the back. In your mom's handwriting, it labels the number as yours. You had ripped the paper so that one of the numbers were missing.

"Oops, I didn't know that was there!" You cry and attempt to crumble the paper up.

"What's the last number?" Niall asks again, and you look at him.

"3." You reply. He takes the paper from you and starts punching things into his phone. Suddenly, your phone lights up and you check it to see an unknown number. The message reads "hey sweetheart" you can't help but melt a little.

"Louis was going to ask, but I beat him to it." He chuckled. "But they'll probably steal it from me. You're adorable." After that, Niall kisses your hand and you leave. You can't help but feel much better about yourself. And you're pretty sure that concert won't be the last you'll see of One Direction.

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