The Rescue

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I crack my eyes open to the night sky. Where am I? I unsteadily get up on my feet, my body aches from lying on the hard ground. I'm on the roof of some establishment surrounded by a fortress of tall city buildings all around me. Small yellow squares of light illuminate from them. It's an oddly beautiful view.

I look around myself and a silhouette catches my eye. I cautiously walk towards it.

I chill runs down my spine as I start to make out who is on the ground. Right there, on the ground is Kang Chul's body. His dead body. Blood stains the front of his white shirt and the floor around him. It looks exactly the scene from my dad's comic on the computer. I suppress a scream.

I sit down next to Chul's body and check the pulse. It barely there. I look at his face as he teeters on the edge of life. Oh god, what do I do. I sit there for a moment, trying to absorb the situation.

I have to help him. This thought snaps me from the fog of uncertainty.

I race down the stairs of this building and burst into what looks like the kitchen. There are about five or six chefs in there, they all look all look up at me as I stand there, panting and sweaty.

"Help, I need help. Someone is dying up on the roof! I gasp out out. None of them move and continue looking at me, bewildered. "Please, do something! Call the ambulance!" A waiter comes up from the back. "I-I'-will go get them r-right now." He's obviously frightened at this point, but at least took some action. "Thank you so much," I say and run back up stairs.

I sit down again next to Chul's body and carefully start peeling away the front of his blood-soaked shirt. There's a deep gash and blood seeps from it at a frightening speed. I assess the wound and check for any other injury.

Right there, on his his upper right shoulder is a pneumothorax. His lungs are collapsing! I must make a quick decision to help the patient, but my mind doesn't seem to be working.

At that moment the panicky waiter from downstairs comes to the roof with a flashlight.

"Ma'm I just called the ambulance they should be arriving anytime." He tells me as he walks up to stand near Chul's body.

I don't even know how to respond because I'm just trying to think of how to save the collapsing lung. I know what to do. I have to make a puncture so that he is able to breath, but will I be able to?

I don't know, but it's better than sitting here and doing nothing.

I scan my surrounding for something to make the puncture with. My eye lands on a red pen in the waiter's pocket.

"Give me the pen!" I nervously hold out my hand towards it.

The waiter look at me like I'm crazy but gives it to me anyway. I quickly start unscrewing the cap and getting out the solid tubing to use as a medical tool. This has to work.

"W-what are you doing, Ma'm?"

I don't respond. My hand is at an 80 degree angle from the site of wound, it has to arc down in a perfectly and land exactly 1.25 inches into the skin.

I bring my hand and down.

Chul's body shakes and his breath convulses. His head rises from the ground. As if looking at the wound. His glassy eyes stare into mine for an everlasting moment. He let's out a shaky breath. His eyes roll up, shut close and his head goes back down.

I check his pulse. It's stable.

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