Chapter 1

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Hey, so this is a story taking place in season 9 of supernatural. I hope you guys will like it! please leave any comments or suggestions on what you'd like me to add to the story, I do take your opinions under consideration! thanks for reading!


It was a day like any other. Isn't that how all good story's start? Lets began.

Rose was sitting in her living room of her small apartment. She'd already gone to her college finals for that day so she's just relaxing on her couch watching tv. Her stomach starts to growl so she looks at the clock. It's already 9:30! She quickly decides it's time for dinner, but when she opens the fridge she finds nothing. With hope, she moves to the cabinets only to be disappointed terribly, as again she finds nothing but chicken noodle soup. Yeah, the stuffs okay occasionally, but she's been eating it so much of it lately it might as well me comming out of her ears. She grabs her purse off the counter and digs through it until she find her wallet. She's got $15, which is good enough for her. She stuffs the money in her jean pocket and slips on her leather jacket before grabbing her keys, and heading out towards the store she works at a couple blocks away. Her thoughts wander as she walks, the late night breeze caressing her face. Eventually she sees the OPEN sighn of the store up ahead. Quickening her pace she finally makes it the the door pushing it open. Automatically she goes to the junk food section and grabs some chips, a case of root beer, and some m&ms. They sell burgers behind the counter so she makes her way up there and sets her stuff down to be scanned.

"And I'll also take a cheeseburger please," she says looking for the first time to her cashier. She's shocked when she's met with gorgeous blue eyes. She knows everyone who works at this store, since she works here herself, but she's never met this man before.

*1st person pov*

"Hi!" I blurt out a little too loud. I turn my head out of total embarrassment and sigh to myself.

I am such a loser.

I turn back to him and smile. He smiles back and starts scanning my stuff.

"So uh, you new here?" I ask.

"Yes, I got hired today," he says.

"Really? that's probably why we haven't met yet. I'm Rose I work here too, but today was my day off," I say. He looks at my smile, and smiles back a very kind, timid, smile.

"Nice to meet you Rose," he says. Then turns around and grabs a burger, scanning the wrapper, and putting it in the bag.

"That will be $11.13," I hand him the money and he gives me back my change and receipt.

"Thanks, you working tomorrow?" I ask. He givesa quick nod and a simple "yes" so I nod back.

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow seeing as we work the same shift" I say grabbing my bag and pop, and throwing him one last smile. He, again,looks at my smile before smiling himself. My eyes drift to his name tag

Steve? that name doesn't really suit him...

"You're welcome, and see you tomorrow," he says. I meet his eyes once more and nod, then turn around and leave the store. I make it home quickly and eat all my food in like 5 minutes. I try to watch tv but my eyes quickly begin sliding shut so I drag myself to my room and change before flopping down on my bed. My last thought before falling asleep was,

Steve really doesn't suit him...


Okay so I didn't make this chapter very long because I'm just trying to get the story started but the chapters will be a lot longer from here on, I promise!!!

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