Chapter 3

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I wake up the next day slightly dizzy from drinking the night before. When I walk out of my room I see Clarence lying on the bed with a hand over his eyes. Without a word I go into the bathroom and into the medicine cabinet to get some aspirin. After I find the bottle I dig out two capsules, then go into the kitchen and make a glass of water.

I sit on the corner of the bed and tap his arm gently. He moves his hand slightly to look at me and try's his best to give a smile, but it comes out as a grimace. I smile back and hold out the pills and water.

"Here this'll help with the hangover," I say quietly. He takes the pills from my hand and observes them for a second before popping them in his mouth and taking the water to wash it down.

"Thank you," he says gently laying his head back down.

"A hot shower also helps which you are totally welcome to. I've only got girl shampoo but you can use it if you want to," I joke. He nods his head and sits up slowly.

"That'd be wonderful thank you."

"Your cloths should be dry by the time you're done so ill just set them right outside the door. That sound good?" Again he nods his head slowly and stands up to make his way into the bathroom. When I hear the shower start, I stand up and go into the laundry room to make sure his clothes are still drying. It says it still has 10 minutes left so after I spend 10 minutes watching tv I hear the buzzer go off. I get all his clothes into a laundry basket and take them into the living room to fold them. I already folded the bed back up so I sit on the couch as I do so. I hear the shower switch off so I quickly grab a pair of his jeans, his boxers, and a plain blue tee shirt, and set them in front of the door. It doesn't take long before the door opens to reveal him with a towel in front of him, not even wrapped around him, just hanging in front of him, blocking his personal parts. I cough and feel my face turn into a tomato. Whithout looking back I point towards where I laid his clothes. Once I hear the bathroom door close back I let out a releaved sigh. What the hell was that?! Was he trying to...make a move? Or is he that oblivious? I calm my racing heart and decide to pretend it never happened.
After he's in the bathroom for a couple more minutes he comes out clean, clothed, and with a look of total amazement on his face. I laugh at his expression and feel my face heat up again as i tilt my head at him.
"What?" I ask.

"How did you get these clothes so soft?" he asks with complete bewilderment. I laugh and shake my head.

"I used fabric softener." I say with laughter still in my voice. He nods his head slowly once again and sits down on the couch next to me.

"Well here are your clothes," I say gesturing to the basket.

"Thank you," I look at him and smirk.
"You seem to say that alot," I laugh.

"Is that...odd?" he asks sincerely curious. I laugh again and shake my head.

"No it's just... you don't have to be thankful for common curtesy,"

"But a lot of people don't have.. common curtesy. So I am thankful," I look up into his eyes and and see how old they look. This poor man must have been through so much. After several silent moments of us just starring at each other I clear my throat and stand up.

"Well I guess I'll take a shower real quick," I say.

"Okay," he mumbles quietly. I make my way into my room to get some clothes. Once I have my stuff I go into the bathroom and take a very brief shower. When I get out and dressed I begin to brush my teeth when I wonder if Clarence even has a tooth brush. I open the bathroom door to find him sitting on the couch, once again watching discovery channel. I clear my throat to get his attention and when he looks at me I raise my tooth brush at him.

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