Chaper 4

274 21 10

*Rose's pov*

I have never been more comfortable in my life than I am right now.

I have my arms wrapped around my big warm pillow with another pillow in between my legs. I breath in and smell a wonderful masculine smell.

I wonder why my pillow smells like that?

Suddenly my pillow takes a deep breath. Wait. Pillows don't breathe.

My eyes pop open only to come face to face with a mans chest. I slowly look up and see Clarence sleeping peacefully. Oh and the pillow in between my legs? it's his leg. I'd been laying on his chest, hugging onto his side while his arm is draped over my waist, and our legs tangled.

How the hell am I supposed to get out of this with out waking him up?

As soon as I think this his beautiful blue eyes pop open and stare into mine. I freeze as I feel heat rising up to my cheeks.

"Hi," is all I can say. He continues to stare at me for a moment longer before responding.

"Hi," neither of us move as I try to think of my next move. Finally I clear my throat and sit up slightly.

"So uh... sleep well?"

"Great," again I feel my cheeks heat up and give a nervous laugh.

"Yeah so um... you want breakfast?" he nods his head so we awkwardly untangle ourselves from each other and move into the kitchen.

"So I was smart enough to also buy eggs, bread, and orange juice yesterday, so we have that," I say opening the fridge and getting out said stuff.

"Sounds delicious," I look at him and smile.

"You're always so positive about everything. I don't see how you can keep it up,"

"Once you've seen so much evil, anything good is a blessing," he responds. I look into his eyes once again seeing how old his soul looks.

"You've...been through a lot huh?"

"More than you can imagine," I turn around and start making breakfast, but I can't completely focus on the task. I keep thinking over what he said and my curiosity keeps growing with every second. I won't ask him though. We don't really even know each other that well and if I ask about his past, that gives him all the right to ask about mine and... I'm not ready to go down that road.

I separate the eggs onto two plates and once the toast pops up I slather some butter on the slices. Then I grab two forks and two glasses and set them all on the counter. I pour us both a good amount of orange juice and sit down on a stool. He sits down also and we eat in comfortable silence. Once we're finished I put our dishes in the sink, deciding to wash them later and move into the living room to start cleaning up our mess. Clarence offers to help so while I'm putting my blankets and pillows in my room and his back in the closet, he fold the bed back up. That's pretty much all we had to do so we both flop down on the couch and look at each other.

"Okay now what?" I ask. He remains silent so I sigh.

"We've both got Today off, so we don't even have work to keep us busy.." I trail off. Again he remains silent so I try to think of something to do.

"We never finished that game of 20 questions yesterday. You want to?" I ask. I see a spark of nervousness enter his eyes but he agrees anyway.

"Okay cool! You asked the last question yesterday so it's my turn," I say tapping my chin.

"Have you... ever been in love?" his eyes fill with confusion as he tilts his head.

"I feel love for all of my family," he says. I shake my head.

"No, no. I mean like, with a woman." I say.

"What does it mean to be in love with a woman?" I think it over before replying.

"It's like.... they're all you can think about. Your heart swells when they look at you and your stomach feels like there are butterfly's erupting inside it. You would do anything to make them happy and protect them. Their body, face, and personality are all perfect for you. You look past their flaws and them," I finish looking into his eyes. Even though there is still confusion in them I also see the understanding.

"I see... No I have never been in love before, but it sounds like a wonderful thing," he says.

"It is, but it can also be terrible and horribly painful if you lose them or they decided they don't love you anymore," I say looking away.

"You've been hurt by love before?" he asks.

"Yeah, but everyone has... except for you apparently," I give a half-hearted laugh. We remain in silence for a few moments before I shake my head facing towards him again.

"Your turn," he hesitates before slowly asking his question.

"Why...did you...invite me into your home that day," I don't even think as I answer.

"I could just....tell. I could tell that you didn't have a real home. I could tell you were lonely. and I could tell that you were a good man. I don't know why I felt...feel that way. But I do," I finish. For what feels like the thousandth time our eyes meet, but this time it feels different. This time I can't pull my gaze away. I don't notice that we're moving closer to each other until I feel his breath fan across my lips. For a split second I think of what I'm doing. What will happen after? Do I really want this?

Screw it. I close my eyes and lean in brushing my lips across his. He doesn't respond so I add I little more pressure. He finally responds moving his lips on mine. I smile into the kiss and grab the front of his shirt pulling him closer.

I can't even describe the sparks I feel as our lips move in sink. It feels like he set a fuse and now my whole body is exploding, centering at our kiss. We never open our mouths, just enjoy the closed mouth kiss until eventually we pull back to breath. We stare at each other until a small laugh escapes my lips.

"That was unexpected," I whisper. I feel like if I speak to loudly it'll shatter the moment. He doesn't say anything for a long while, only stares at me. I don't mind like I usually would if I were being stared at. I actually feel very calm looking back into his beautiful blue eyes. Eventually though he looks down at his hands and swallows. He mumbles something but I can't hear him so I tilt his head back towards me.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Does...does this mean you..... like me?" I remember a boy asking me the exact same thing in 7th grade and smile at his innocence.

"Ummm....yes. Yes it does," I say. He looks down at his hands again and remains silent for several more minutes. I finally decide that I don't need an answer from him. If he doesn't like me back like that then it's okay, I'll be fine.

"Well... anyway how about we uh... watch tv," I reach for the remote but he quickly grabs my hands with his and turns so we're face to face.

"I like you too," he says quickly. A smile spreads across me face and I nod my head.

"Well that's good. You had me worried I had made a fool of myself for a second there,"

"Of course not I just... I'm new at this. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do..." I tighten my hands around his and scoot a bit closer.

"Well we've already done the 'I like yous', now you're supposed to ask me out on a date," I say. His eyes widen slightly and he nods.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asks.

"Hmmm," I look up at the ceiling as if thinking about it. I feel his hands twitch with nervousness and smirk looking back at him.

"Why Clarence are you nervous?" I ask still smirking.

"Yes." he states without missing a beat. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"Of course I will!"

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