Takara- iv

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She walked into her dorm room. Sweating from the fighting training she had just come from, and the strange interaction with the empress's cousin that happened at least 6 hours ago.

The only reason she knew that's who he was, was because Takara's dad told her before hand. Her dad was the Sergeant major of the Army , that used to mean something in Asia, but here, not so much. Takara's dad was still in Asia doing his thing, but Takara had to come here, in America.
She never really understood why she was sent here. Had something to do with training and how the Amaricas had a better training system. Which she thought was total bullshit, her brother was training in Asia so why was she shipped off? Takara had a feeling that it was because she was female. Female military veterans weren't quite praised upon in Asia after world war 3. Too many deaths. Takara grew up in a military family, so she always knew that she was going to be in the military. Her dad was the military general of Asia and her brother worked in the airforce, where her mother used to work. Takara's mom died when she was fairly young but she still remembers her well. Takara doesn't cry about her moms death because she knew that she saved her country by doing it.

Vroom, a jet flu over Takara's head. She was with her family watching the air cadets do they're training. "Wow! Mom is that what you do?" She says as she looks at her mom with big eyes. Her mom was Brazilian, and met Takara's dad when the Brazilian airforce had to home to Japan to help with the war. As soon as their eyes met they were in love.
"Yes sweetly that's what I do, only a little faster" Takara's mom looks at her with so much love in her eyes.

Takara sat on her bed looking at the bed next to her. That's where her room mate Terri used to sleep. But not anymore, she was kicked out of military training when she was caught making out with one of the guys in the Navy.
So from then she was by herself, which she didn't really mind, sense it's not like they talked much.
Takara changed from her fighting uniform to her standard army uniform. The room was quite small, two beds on either side of the room, the door looked upon the middle of the room. Two closets sat next to the door on either sides. With two desks at the other end of the room. The room was a perfect mirrored image.
Barely any bigger then a university dorm room. The bed were always tucked in and nicely made, as they should be, and if they weren't they'd get yelled at.
Takara's schedule was very busy and very tiring. She could tell that they were weeding out the weak. Takara was one of the few girls left. Which she didn't really noticed since that's how it usually is.
The girls either got kicked out because they weren't strong enough or because they got caught with a boy. But Takara couldn't blame them. They were hot, and not just a few...all of them. Takara sometimes thought that this wasn't some type of army training but was a sick trick for her to get a boyfriend.

She stood up and look outside. The wind was blowing the trees, it was a cool November afternoon. She leaves the window side and looks at a framed picture of her family. The picture was taken long ago, she was barley 7 years old and her brother was 10.

"Dad, why is Seth crying? Where's mom?" The little 7 year old asked her dad who seemed calm and happy
" Moms in a better place now and she saved her country while doing it"  Takara knew what he was talking about, her mother had died, it was quite a normal thing that happened at the military. Takara didn't asked anymore questions, she knew even if she did her dad would say "I'll tell you when you're older"  and he did.

Takara was now 13 and he told her the full story. A missile was heading for Japan and the only way to stop it was to manually turn it off, and send it to the ocean. So without a second thought Takara's mom did what she had to do and if she hadn't Japan would be no longer. She put the missile into the ocean but down she went with it. Her dad explained to her that her mother always told him, if she died fighting for her country, don't be sad, because she did what she loved and will forever be happy.

Knock! Knock!
Takara walked to the door and opened it. "Takara Ito, you're asked to come demonstrate fighting techniques to the younger cadets, hall 203"  the man standing in front of her look no older then 20 years old, with blond wavy hair and blue eyes. He was strongly built. She's has never seen him before and didn't know how to address him. 'Should I say sir? He is older then me, but what if I'm in s higher position then him... That would be weird' she thought 
"Sure I'll be there momentarily" she tells him, ready to close the door and change back into her fighting clothes, but notice him still standing there. She looks at him, she thinks 'can I help you?' He begins to speak "sir" he says looking at her with a black expression. "No, I'm a female, please don't call be sir, and I said that I will be on my way" Takara looks at the blonde hair man.
"Mrs Ito, I am your superior and so you should call be sir" he looks at her, still with a black face. "Oh, ugh my bad sir, I'll be there in just a moment" he nods his head and leaves. Takara goes back into her room and gets ready.
She leaves her room. She hears a click indicating that the door locked. She walks down the 2 flights of stairs and pushes a door that leads outside. The whole military campus is almost identical to a university's. She makes her way to the fighting building, which is about a block away. She enters the building and steps foot into hall 203, she suddenly hears someone yell her name "Takara Ito!"

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