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The next morning, breakfast was very awkward.

Thomas had caught her and she had no idea how, but like he said before, He heard what had happened in the little restaurant and now he was mad at her . Now she slowly picked up the fork that had nothing on it, she wasn't hungry at all. All of this silence bothered her too much and she had lost her appetite  "Listen Thomas I-" She started and she was cut off by him  "What were you really doing out there Okana? He asked and Okana panicked, she was a terrible liar. Once when she was younger, when Her parents were mad at her for writing on the walls and asked who it was, she answered Lucky Luck Star. Who was one of her favourite characters from a book she would always read.
She looked down and muttered "I don't like always staying in the castle" she smiled at her words, she was doing pretty good so far  "I feel like, you know, I'm the empress and going around and seeing my people is good for me" she said and cringed at her words, she couldn't believe she had said that.

Thomas laughed at her mockingly "So you are seeing them at night?" He asked and she laughed with him, only hers being more uncomfortable "Well you need to start somewhere " and he laughed again. He leaned in put his hand on top of hers "The girl you asked for should be coming today or tomorrow" he said and leaned out "just thought I should tell you" she got out of her seat and bowed "Thank you Thomas" she said and left. She finally let out the deep breath she had no idea she was keeping in.

The sound of music is what she heard when she left the room, she rushed to the dining room "Thomas what's wrong?" she said worried " Is the Soldier here already?" Thomas just looked outside and hummed to the music "No, actually Okana..." he started and she raised her eye brow at him "It's  a suitor for you" he stated.

She took a while to comprehend what he had said and when she did she was furious at him "Are you serious?" she asked, trying to keep in her anger on a low "Okana, you are almost 18 and this happened to your mother too" She couldn't believe what she was hearing "You didn't even talk to me about this " she argued and he just kept on looking out the window.

She had decided that she had enough of of him and huffed as she left the room "I'm going to my room" she muttered and she started to run.

Can't believe he thinks he can pick my future she thought to herself a suitor? What does he thinks I am? Some prize to be won?

She got to her room and closed the door, locking it right after. Starting to blink the tears that had formed it her eyes, she sighed and fell to the floor "can't believe it" she said as she got up again and walked to her bed, sitting on the corner. She lied down and closed and eyes.

She honestly had no idea how long she had been lied there but once the maid had called her for days dinner, she knew it must had been hours. The maid had brought a long velvet gown that Okana knew she would need to wear to meet whoever Thomas had set her up with. She quickly put on the dress and several maids did her makeup and her hair, that was done up and had beautiful black pearls around it.

She stared at the girl in front of her, who didn't really look like her at all. She looked older, more mature, like a goddess and most of all unnatural . She looked away disgusted and she groaned. She looked at the door when another maid had walked in "Its time to go empress " she said and Okana got up. She walked out the door and decided that she had a plan. She told herself that she would act her absolute worst and that way the guy would leave and never bother her again.

She smiled to herself knowing that the plan was a good one.

As she got to the bronze doors that led to the giant dining room and she opened the doors. Once she got in she met the familiar blue-green eyes she had seen last night and she laughed "It's you". In front of her stood the guy she had bumped into the night before. Although this time instead of wearing the dark clothes that hid him the the night, he wore clothes that probably costed more then a regular house.

He looked at her and smiled "I had a feeling I would see you again" he said and she laughed "although maybe you thought not this way" she added and he nodded. Thomas, who she had completely forgotten of, cleared his throat "Well this is a lovely reunion, but how exactly do you know each other " he asked, slightly alarmed.

She smiled at him and when her stranger smiled back at her, she could almost forget everything that had happened to her in the last few days. Maybe she even felt more at peace.

"That's a mad story to tell isn't it"

A/N : Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter and if you have any advice to make the story better feel free to tell me :)

QOTD: who is the stranger really? Do you think he's bad or good?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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