Ch1 A Bump in the Road

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So it may be a little rough around the edges.


POV: Morgan Paine

I scanned the shelf once, twice, three times before lashing out, sending several bottles of Advil and off brand Claritin skidding down the narrow aisle of the pharmacy. Ive been to all the so called "Nuitrition and Wellness" stores the small town of Still Water has to offer, all three of them, and havent managed to get my hands on a single bottle of iron pills.

I can practically feel the frustration building in terrible waves behind my eyes as the endless row of multi-vitamins blurs into a single yellow mass. The strain of a building headache blinds me as I squint in an attempt to focus on the blinking desplay currently holding me up. After far to much effort a line of foil baggies promoting a New and Improved! chewable magnesium tablets come into focus. The cartoon mascot for which is a smiling monster, one who I can only assume is mocking me.


I sigh humorlessly.
Another wave hits me, forcing me forward with the pain. More bottles go tumblig to the linolium. Growling lowly, more out of self pity than pain, I dig the palm of my hands into my temples and lumber sideways away from the garish florescent lighting.
It's getting worse.
"Thanks captain obvious."
Pulling and stretching the skin around my eyes I relax some as the pressure eventually numbs out the worst of the pain.
Maybe it's withdrawls.
I dismiss the thought before its able to fully register. Too tired to consider the possibility. It was pointless, Id regained control two days ago after  blacking out for what could have only been fourty minutes. Blue was resourceful, but even if in that short window she'd manage to find a dealer there was no way she would have had the cash. There was nothing missing as far as I could tell, and I watched my funds too closely for her to have moved money around in such a short amount of time. 

"Youre just being paranoid."

I try to reassure myself,  but things were starting to look bleak. Bleaker then I was willing to admit at the moment. Three days.
Its been nearly three days now since my last pill and every little thing was begining to set Blue off. She'd managed to ebb control almost immediately after I missed my first dose. I was weaker then Id originally thought. That or I hadnt given the little parasite enough credit. My senses were becoming more and more hyphened and my body was begining to change for the worse, I had to wear sunglasses at almost all hours of the day to keep from going blind and thick black leather gloves to conceal the dagger like claws that had slowly began to push their way out through my finger tips. I was losing control. Another rolling twinge of pain cascaded over me. Losing control not only of my body, but my mind as well.

I knew rationally I wasnt actually in any pain. But she made it all so real, I couldn't help but flinch from it. Couldn't help but experience it although I knew it only gave her more ammunition. Every time I pinched my eyes closed or doubled over I could practically feel her smirking somewhere far off inside me. Blue could be a real bitch sometimes.

A kid came dashing around the corner just as the bottles that peppered the floor began to settle. He was short around my height and his greasy blonde hair, which curled in every direction around the triangle of his face, was in dire need of a good cut. His face was lean as was the rest of his body, and his cheeks and forehead were riddled with puffy red acne sores. Correction; a teenager came dashing around the corner, slumped in obvious annoyance he came towards me fingers clenched white into fists at his side.

"Hey! What the hell do you think your doing!"

His voice was rough, and held an anger similar to my own. Oh teen angst, my old friend. I rolled my eyes. As he continued towards me his stomping slowly became more graited as his sneakers smashed the disgarded pills from my earlier tantrum into the checkered pattern of the floor. His eyes widened as he lifted one foot, then there was the anger again drawing his brow suddenly lower.

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