CH 2 Running with Blue

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POV: Morgan


A thumb swept softly over the crook of my neck as the strangers hold loosened some. Tremors shot threw me with the sudden skin to skin contact, followed by an unfamiliar warmth inside my chest. Never before had a feeling been both so sweet and dreadful. With that simple touch all the courage that had a moment ago urged me to peek up vanished. And again I found myself holding my breath. Both to savor the intoxicating scent suddenly filling the air and in an attempt to stop time. The soft flutters in my stomach became more and more violent as our embrace continued until I could feel the sensation humming up through my chest.

"Look at me."

His voice was horse and filled with... desperation? I couldn't resist. Slowly I obeyed and lifted my head; eyes only half open.

My heart fell as our eyes met and that hoarded breath came suddenly rushing out causing me to gasp, light headed. Two emerald orbs framed by a set of dark lashes held me in place. The buzz in my chest spread and a sudden wave of dizzyness and fatigue over took me causing the bottle of pills to slip from between my fingers and fall to the tiled floor.

*Tick tock tick tock...*

Blue's presence echoed through my head along with the dull pain that foreshadowed her dictation. Not now, please not now. The spell I was under, set a drift in those evergreen eyes, was broken as a throb pounded from behind my left eye, demanding to be noticed.

*Stop ignoring me.*

Blue cooed in a sickeningly sweet drawl. Realizing I was still in the arms of a strange man I started to slowly shift out from under his hands, in the same instant a growl shook the air and his hold tightened. Panic struck me nearly as hard as the throb in my head and I began to struggle against his hold.

"Let me go!"

I tried to keep the fear that was infecting my thoughs from showing on my face and from strangling my voice, but failed. Another wave hit me and all the effort I was struggling to maintain keeping my expression neutral shattered. Against my will, though i tried to keep a cool facade I began to tremble. My body betraying me.


The mans voice was low, so low that I nearly lost the sound of it in my muffled struggle. I stopped fighting him long enough to focus on his voice. Going completely still in his arms.

"What did you say?"

He took a deep breathe, and thats when I caught it; mingleing within his natural musk was the horrific scent of a wolf. Even worse, nearly masking completely over the other two aromas, was that scent I earlier couldnt get enough of. We stood there, perfectly still and tense, for what felt like an eternity but in reality lasted less than a fraction of a second before his expression suddenly changed. The harder lines of his face sofened and a curious glint widened the smile in his eyes.

"Nevermind, what's your name?"

He held me away from him and I watched as those emerald orbs swept over me; examining me. Before I could feel self concious another wave of pain swallowed me and my knees buckled. Every ounce of strength went to keeping my composure. I put on a hardened expression, one that hopefully screamed let me go now. I took a deep breathe, through my mouth this time and did what I could to muster up my voice.


"What?" He looked confused, as if he hadnt been listening.

"My name, it's Carrie." I said, a little louder, my courage slowly returning as the room straightened. The fear, strangely enough, being replaced with a sudden unfamiliar confidence.

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