Ch 3 Hiding in Plain Sight

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POV: Morgan

"Over here!"
A collection of feet, some bare and some shoed, went rushing past the left side of the car I was currently held under. Kicking up a cloud of dust and rocks underneath it and into my awaiting face. Turning my head too late I manged only to keep the majority of the sought out of my mouth. My eyes on the otherhand watered relentlessly from the dust clouding my vision. I'd definitely be needing one hell of a shower after tonight. If tonight ever ended.

After narrowly escaping the wolves down by the condos I'd changed stratedgies, remembering myself with Blues sudden absence. With my humanity supressing her I could finally think logically not instinctively. Avoiding the streets I jumped fences and made my way back towards my apartment by snaking through backyards and the basements of unlocked houses. Which suprisingly were all of them. Thats small towns for you, I scoffed, they give you a false sense of security. It had worked on me too, after all I was just as ignorant as the humans around me if not more careless seeing as I actually knew of the forseen dangers lurking about in towns just like these. Still the second I landed in Still Water I'd set up roots hoping for a fresh start far away from the growing lore. Fat chance.

My arms were beginning to shake from the tension, pulling me back from the frenzy of thoughts in my head. Elbows hooked as they were around the rusted out steering colum it was taking every ounce of my remaining strength to keep myself off the ground.

After attacking the wolf the normally empty streets of west avenue became crowded with trackers and warriors of every rank. It was with the growing sparcity of houses and hiding spots that I found myself currently crawling underneath parked cars. Though it wasn't all bad, as it would seem the unusual amount of foot traffic so late in the otherwise sleeping neighborhood had drawn out several deputies. The carelessness of the pack, with their howling and growing numbers, wakened the street to the fact that something wasn't quite right. It would seem I wasnt the only one being hunted now. And werewolves being what they are, so very often the reclusive and antisocial type, were forced to retreat or risk being discovered.

But as always there were still the heros, those who held out retreat against the order of the masses to get in one last quick search. These numbers consisted of the youngest mostly, and unknowing to them they had me trapped. As would be my luck they'd chose to huddle and mull out there stratgies of capture at the rear end of the car I was currently under. I was right under home base, and without Blue I was tired. Growing weaker by the second, my muscles ready to give in to the quaking fatigue of my arms. Just my luck.

I was struggling to hold myself up, as Blue had reserved herself back to the farthest recesses of my mind and had taken with her all of my strength. Though brief, lasting usually no more than an hour, her visits stole a bit of life from me with each relapse. And unlike when I was younger that absence of life was beginning to take its toll on our physical form. Her hiding spot, my body, sadly enough was beginning to die. At least it was with every mutual use. 

"How's Gunnar? He was pretty badly wounded. "

Feet shifted at the end of the truck as one of the wolves snarled.

"He'll be fine, last I heard his face is already healing up. Though the pup doesn't remember much, it was a pretty hard blow to the head. Doc says it fractured his temporal bone and shattered his ear drum. He's gonna need surgery to reset his skull, most likely. "

A deep voice replied, half heartedly.

"Damn, poor kid. He saw her though right? She was here as far as he knows?"

"Hard to say, he apparently smells like her, but says who ever attacked him was some sort of monster. He doesnt really remember much. I'm thinking a vamp, to be honest."

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