Chapter 7

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Riley's POV

We were brought to the hospital by a different officer because officer Jones had survey the crime scene or something. By the time we had reached the hospital the police had already set up barriers to keep reporters away. It was interesting to see the reporters had heard about Maya and managed to get to the hospital before we did. We were escorted through the crowd by police and brought into the waiting room of the hospital. The bright white light was shining off of the reflective floors and white walls. It's funny to think how somewhere so bright could contain so much tragedy.

Katy, Maya's mom had gotten a job at my moms firm. She got it to save money for a private investigator. She needed some answers about what had happened to Maya. She was out of state when this all went down. She was at some business meeting. I heard she was on the next available flight home.

I rested my head on Farkle's shoulder as we waited. It was hours. Lucas couldn't sit down. He kept pacing the room and every hour he would go up to the reception lady and ask how everything was going. We could tell how uneasy it was. I was hoping he'd calm down but we could shouting from the reporters outside and I knew as long that continued Lucas wouldn't calm down. We had been waiting about two hours when I saw Lucas storm out. Zay went to get him but I stopped him. "I'll go." I said grabbing Zay's arm. He nodded and sat down with his arms crossed. I ran out to Lucas. He walked infront of the reporters and cameras. I knew I was too late to stop him from whatever he was about to do.

"There is girl in there. A sixteen year old girl. She had been through hell and is currently in surgery. God knows if she'll survive. Her friends are sitting in there. They are scared and worried but all they can hear is you all shouting. I ask you have some respect and instead of thinking about this as 'the next big story' think about it as a tragedy. I tragedy that everyone is trying their heads around but they can't because of you all. So please have some respect and get out of here." Lucas voice cracked at the end of his speach. I'd never seen him cry before. I ran over and put on his shoulder. We walked into the waiting room again together. I ran into Farkle's arms and burst into tears. He embraced me with gentleness. It was soothing.

"There were some- complications during the surgery."I slowly raised my head out of Farkle's now tear stained shoulder and saw a doctor standing nervously infront of us. "You are not related so I cannot tell you everything, but we are not sure she will wake up. The best I can reccomend is you say your goodbyes, now." He lowered his head and walked away. We decided to go in one by one. Have our own private time with Maya. I had gone first. I left crying. Lucas walked in after me.

He was in there for only a little over a minute before he ran out screaming for help. We could all hear her heart monitor. Her heart had stopped beating. Doctors ran in as fast as they could. They closed the door and pulled down the blinds so we couldn't see. We all knew. She was gone. We would never see Maya again. Lucas, he was devastated. Him and Zay cried together.Farkle and I didn't cry. Farkle didn't cry because he knew if he did, I would too. I would've cried but i was stuck in a state of shock. I didn't know how to react. I mean it had to be a dream. Everything was so surreal. We had all dreamt of finding Maya again. But- not like this.

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