Chapter 8

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Maya's Pov

My body was pulled towards the electricity. My head hanging as I took in a huge breath. My body quickly fell down onto the bed again. "Clear!" I heard an unfamiliar voice call out. Everything was muffled and I kept my eyes closed. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was noisy. At first, it was annoying but then I realized it was noisy. I could hear and I bet if I tried I could see too. I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around the room. Lucas sat on a chair to my right. His head was in his hands. I looked to the left and saw Riley asleep on Farkle's lap who was also asleep. Sitting against a wall was Zay. He was awake.. I think. His head was resting on his knees. Sort of how you would see someone cry. He also had his earphones in.

I didn't know how to speak. Well, I did know how, but I didn't know what to say. I just sat there looking at them. Slowly Lucas lifted his head out of his hands. He looked towards me and when he saw I was awake he jumped out of his chair practically leaping towards me. "Maya.." He said with a smile slowly growing on his face. I smiled up at him, "Ranger rick." I said. There was mirror in front of me. I looked at it. I wanted to see myself how Lucas was seeing me. I was pale as hell and my once rosy cheeks and lips, they looked cold and grey almost. I looked sick. Like really sick. I didn't like it. I was sort of embarrassed that Lucas was seeing me like this. "I look like shit." the words sort flowed out of my mouth. I continued to look at the mirror. Lucas put his thumb on my chin and turned my head ever so gently to face him. He smiled at me. "You look gorgeous. You always look gorgeous." He smiled softly with his sharp emerald green eyes staring me down. I just wanted to melt into his arms.

I was so happy. I thought I was going to die in the woods. Then again in the ambulance, and once again on the operation table but here I am. What felt like hours later and I'm alive. "Oh- your mom, she told me to tell you that she loves you and that she'll be here soon." Lucas remembered. I turned to him. I didn't think my mom would be back already, It was clearly still dark out. "We convinced her we would be here if you woke up. She's been living in the hospital for the last two weeks." He said still caught up in the fact I was awake. I smiled at him.

Then it hit me. What did he say? TWO WEEKS? My face went from happy to pure shock. I mean, every time I slept it felt like only five minutes. I only assumed it was hours because of the operation. "Two weeks?" I spat out confused. Lucas' smile fell. "Maya, you were in a coma. They had to revive you 8 times." He avoided eye contact. I looked at Lucas' shoes. I didn't know what to say. "Maya-?" Riley interrupted my thoughts.

I faked a smile and turned my head to her, "Riles!" i exclaimed opening my arms ready for the embrace of a life time. Boy, she squeezed me so tight, I thought I was going to fall back into a coma. "You're awake!" She screamed into my ear by mistake, waking up Farkle and making Zay pull out his earphones and look up. Suddenly I was surrounded by them all. It was weird but the main person I wanted to be with right now was Lucas. I had stuff I wanted to say to him. Stuff I thought I would never get to say.

Everyone came in for one huge group hug. They all squeezed and suddenly I had sharp pain from where I was stabbed in the stumach. My back seemed fine. It was odd, the pain was the exact same as when I first got it. "Ouch." I said and quickly put my hand over the wound. Everyone backed away. They looked pale. They almost looked guilty. "Does it hurt?" Zay asked to then get smacked by Riley. "You don't ask that." Farkle spat at Zay. "Sorry-" Zay began but I interupted. "He can ask whatever he likes." I felt as if I was defending myself more than Zay. I don't know why.

A doctor came in soon after and said I needed my rest. Only family members were alowed to stay so they called my mom. When she saw me sitting up tears filled her eyes. I smiled at her. I had tried to avoid thinking about her since I ran away. We had a fight that same day. she wasn't happy with me ditching school. I had saw in newspapers that my mom thought I ran because of her. I had wanted to tell her the truth but I felt as if I was protecting her .

"Mom.." I said fighting tears. "shh." She whispered as she slowly walked over and sat on my bed. She placed her hand my cheek it was almost as if she couldn't believe  I was really there. I pushed her hand off of me and grabbed her. I hugged her so tight. My stumach was giving such a sharp pain but I didn't care. "I love you." I whispered. At this point I was crying. She replied through her sobs, "I love you too baby girl." We stayed up all night talking. It was weird in a way.

After about a week I was given the all clear and was discharged from the hospital. My mom said I didn't have to go back to school straight away but, I knew the longer I left it, the harder it would be. So the next day I got dressed and even went to collect Riley before school. Just like the old days.

So this is the end of this story. However I do have the first two chapters of Fixing Maya Hart (the sequel to this story) ready to be published but because of school I don't think I will posting chapters for that story as often as I did for this. Thank you all so much for reading!

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