Hessa Break Up

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Sorry for not updating in ages!! But I would really appreciate it if you commented on this chapter? Thank you xx


As we all know, Hessa broke up.

Tradgic, isn't it.

After got its name because Anna wanted to show us what Tessa acted like AFTER she met Harry. So now that they have broken up, what will happen?

What will Tessa and Harry act like AFTER the break up?

Luckily they are still on good terms so most of us are satisfied!But a lot of people were commenting rude things like 'if they break up I will not read it anymore' and 'I love Hessa so much and If they break up I will stab myself with a knife and blame it all on you'. It's your choice of you want to read it or not, she is not forcing you too, and it's her story, she can choose what happens.

So maybe just calm down a little, she works hard enough to give us a chapter almost everyday so you shouldn't be complaining.

But now that Hessa is over, will it give Zessa fans some hope?


Because like they both said, they are meant for each other and only each other.

So no Zessa for now everyone.

As much as I love the book though I would really like to see another really big twis, maybe like a murder or something? just a suggestion.

So can everyone please comment what you would like as a 'big twist' and you opinions on the Hessa break.


Thank you everyone so much for 14K!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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