The Bad Boy Stole My Bra by Cherry_Cola_x

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Book title : The Bad Boy Stole My Bra

Author : Cherry_Cola_x

Status: Completed

Picture this: You wake up in the middle of the night, swamped in your Star Wars cover and incredibly groggy to the extent you look like someone from the Monsters Inc. movie. You hear a sound, so you sit up and turn your lamp on, and that's when you see it. Your new neighbour, clambering halfway through your window (still managing to look like some sort of a Greek god, I may add) holding your MICKEY MOUSE BRA. What do you do?

Well, you scream obviously. Then what?
Why, you get revenge of course.

Before you proceed, take note that this book contains incredibly hot guys! Ajsbshsbaja! Ahh! Yes, I love hot guys.

Alec Ryder is freaking hot! Like Daemon from the lux series hot! And Riley? I love that girl. Sarcastic, armed with the best comebacks, pick up lines and what not. That girl is bae.

My rating: 9 tumblr stars!

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