Game day for Bayern

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"Manu! Will you hurry your ass before we miss the game?" I yelled at Manu as he leave my house with Nutella and his training bag in his arms. Manu wasn't to sleep over last night since he was lonely at his house and his girlfriend was away for work.

"God, you making us late and then you're going to blame me" I roll my eyes. I start the engine as soon as he got inside the car and drive to the stadium which is like 20 minutes away.

"Did you know you sore when you're sleeping?" Manu laugh as he open the nutella. I slap him in the back of his head, "I do not!" I yelled.

"Yes you do" He smile and took a finger full of Nutella. "I told you no Nutella inside my car!" I yelled.

"Oh please, I gave you this car!" He was right. He gave me this car since Bayern won their 15th debut Bundesliga.

"Why were you late?"


"GOOD LUCK BOYS! Play smart! I love you all" I made heart symbol with my hands. As they all getting ready on the pitch, I walk back inside the dug out, sitting in between Joshua and Rafinha.

Joshua lost his tooth at a last time game so he's out for now. I feel sorry for him, but stuff happens for a reason. "Are you alright?" I manage to talk to Joshua as the crowd begin cheering loudly when the referee blow the whistle and Bundesliga season starts.

"Yeah, it hurts but I'll be fine" He said, not looking at me, pretty sure he doesn't want me to see his teeth. I sigh and and pat his shoulder and focus on the game.

"GOALLLL!" Rafinha screams. I look up from my phone to see did we really score. "Who scored?" I asks.

"Xabi" Joshua pointed at Xabi was celebrating. I cheered, shaking Joshua body in happiness. "Hehe, sorry" I smile at him since he was looking at me seriously. I fix his jersey collar and look away.

Another minutes pass by, I paid attention to the game now since we scored one. I talk to Rafinha a little and chat with Renato a bit, we talk about how Thomas was being annoying in the locker room before the game. Same old Thomas.

"GOALLL!" I yelled as I saw Robert scored from the left side. This time Joshua was shaking my body, I don't know if he did it on purpose but it's good to see him smiling instead of being serious.

First half was done, it's time to go to the locker room. I was playing with Patty Cake with Ulreich since he's the only who knows. "Play later! Just walk!" Manu slap our hands and force us to walk. I roll my eyes and ran to Robert.

"CONGRATS LEWA AND XABI!" I yelled as we got inside the locker room

I watch Ancelotti talk to the boys, telling his usual speech. When people talk I give them respect and don't be rude and cut them off. Well except for Manu and Thomas and David. After Ancelotti done talking he let the trainers massage the boys legs and give them water.

"You shouldn't be in here" Thiago said. I roll my eyes, "Thiago I love you as family but your bossy ass is getting me annoyed, I will murder you in your sleep" I sarcastically laugh.

He started laughing and then pause, "were you lying?" He asks me. I stop laughing and stare hard at him, "no."

"GUYS! Let's celebrate our first win for our first game of the season!" I clap my hands.

"NO!" They all yelled.

"YES!" Thomas cheered. Everyone look at him and slap the back of his head.

"Oh please, no I'm not going to drink today. I'm not in the mood" I laugh. They all roll their eyes.

"I'm serious, if I drink I know I'll gain weight and if I gain weight Robert will notice and when he notice he'll make me do works out with him and is pure hell" I fake a smile.

"Fien, if you drink we all give you a work out to do and if you don't then we not going to let you do anything" Mats said. They all agreed, waiting for me for an answer.

"Alright, deal. Let's go to a pub downtown" I said. They all cheered in agreement.


"CHEERS TO 6 GOALS" I yelled. They all raise up their alcohol drinks and cheered. I drink my Sprite and sat it on the counter. I smile at myself and sit down on the stool.

"Hey" Joshua smile, sitting down with a beer in his hand. I smile weakly and take a sip of my Sprite.

"I should check on Manu" I stood up but he hold my arm.

"Why do you always walk away every time I tried talking to you?" He asks me. I sigh and close my eyes.

Maybe you're flirting with me. Maybe the fact that you're making me weak on my knees everyday. Maybe the fact that I want you for me only. Maybe the fact that I like you...

"Because you have a girlfriend and I don't want to have dramas between you guys" I said. He just looks at me, he didn't speak for like a minute. His expression what a little bit of hurt and confuse.

"Look I-" I was about to speak until I heard my name called out.

"ARY?!" A deep voice boom the pub but it didn't shut the people up. I turn around to see who it was then I realize it was Matt, my best friend back in kindergarten.

"MATT?!" I yelled, running to him so I could give him a hug. He looks so different. He has more muscles now, he's a lot taller now since I was taller than him when we were young.

"Oh my god, look at you!" We both said and checking each other out.

"Still short?!" He asks. I laugh sarcastically, "still ugly?!" We both laugh and hug each other again.

"Matthew? Is that you?" Manu asks, walking pass the boys.

"Manuel?" Matt looks at Manu as if he doesn't remember him.

"Oh my god man! It's been a long time!" Manu smile, hugging him.

"Who's this?" I heard Joshua asks me, though I thought he left.

"Oh, this is my old best friend, we went to kindergarten together" I smile at him. I noticed how his expression has changed from before. 

My night has never been more awkward.

Soo sorry if I didn't update this on the day of the first Bundesliga game. I've been busy trying to recover from my sprained ankle and I've been busy with so homework. I'll try to make my schedule work.

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