Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

                “Sooooo…”  Gawain sloshes the remaining ale in his mug around in circles as he looks out over the neatly-kept garden at the rear of the hotel.  Since the business was located in the very middle of Downsview, there wasn’t a very large plot of greenery… but the colourful arrangement and wide variety of flowers scattered around more than made up for the lack of a vista.  “Are we just gonna get drunk out here on our own, or…”

                Angeline issues a heavy sigh as she stares at the red wine in her glass.  Ever since retreating from her suite, the words that she needed to speak continued to elude her.  Hildie wanted her to talk to her Bond-mate about their similar losses… but every time she had been just about to utter the first syllables of conversation, a stab of pure agony would shoot through her heart…

                “I still have no idea what you and Hildie were on about, y’know…”  the bearded male displays a small frown as he peeks towards the younger girl at his side, perched as he was on a sturdy, sloping rock wall.  “Is it about the boy?  About Samuel?  Are you angry at me that I allowed him to fight a Daemon?  If that’s it, you can go ahead an’ yell at me all ya’d like… I’m still gonna be favourably putting his name down in my report back to the Aegis.”

                The golden-haired femme brings up a palm to press against her forehead as a small groan escapes her lips.  A civilian being honourably-mentioned in an official report was essentially condoning that individual’s admission into the KnightsEspecially when it came from the pen of a Field Major.  “Goddess… do you have to?”

                “Angie… come on…” issuing a soft, patient sigh at the whinging of his subordinate, the stocky commander shifts his bulk to better address his friend, now that she was actually interacting, and not just gulping down wine.  “You know I gotta give a detailed report on every Daemonic encounter… and Sammy deserves t’be mentioned.  He did a fantastic job today.  Probably saved a half-dozen workers in that warehouse… and gave us enough time to properly set up for the battle.”

                Allowing her head to drop down even further under the deserved praise for her aide, the blue-eyed mage then pinches the bridge of her nose as her thoughts pull her in too many different directions at once.  “I… know that… but I don’t want him to even think about becoming a Knight…”

                Gawain narrows his gaze as he straightens his back against the un-intentional slight against his noble organization.  “We take in all sorts, Angie… whether they’ve got all their memories or not.”

                Whipping a shocked stare up for her older friend’s inspection, Angeline busily reads the truth evident in his features, then lets out a slow breath as she starts to relax.  “He… told you, huh?  Well… damnit… ugh… I told Hildie that, too…”

                Showing a smile as he watches the young girl deflate once again, the bearded warrior shakes his head in response, then looks towards the garden.  “Yah… surprised the Hell outta me, though… but at least that gave me the opportunity to kit him out properly with some blades better suited for huntin’ Daemon…”

                “Oh.  Right.”  The golden-follicled femme raises her chin up once more to level a deadly glare towards her superior.  “You made him change out of those tight leather pants, huh?  Were you maybe feeling a little jealous?”

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