Chapter 49
“Son… don’t take this the wrong way… but you’re fuckin’ nuts.” Gawain treats his old apprentice to a slow shake of his head, and reaches his beefy hands over to clamp onto the boy’s shoulders. “But you’re my kind o’ crazy.”
Finn offers his bearded comrade a wry smile, and tries his best to give a shrug from under the heavy mitts. “It was Angie’s idea, though.”
“Of course it was…” the claymore-wielding veteran issues a heavy sigh as he slides his gaze over to the insane pairing of mages at their side. “Well… long as we don’t let them get back up again… it should go fairly well…”
“It’s, uh…” Angeline clears her throat softly as she looks from their Bonds to her older female friend. “The first time I’ll be trying this spell… so…”
“Just don’t burn yourself out, alright?” Hilda guides a pudgy hand up to cup her sweet friend’s cheek. “You’re going to need all the Power that you can muster to take on a High Daemon…”
“I know…” the blonde caster’s lips twist into a wicked smile as she peeks over to her husband. “Trust me, though… I don’t know how our connection got so… vivid… but it’s filling us both with far more energy than we know what to do with…”
“Oh, Goddess…” Gawain wrinkles his nose at the thought, and slowly allows his eyes to trail down the lanky boy’s frame. “You’re not gonna… strip down right here are ya? ‘Cause I doubt all these gentle folks would allow that.”
The black-haired swordsman chuckles softly as he feels his mate actually considering the possibility. “No, no… we’ll save that for later. But, remember… don’t try to follow us until we give the signal.”
The bearded Captain-Commander issues a curt nod, and smacks the young lad’s shoulders before stepping back. “Right. We’ll leave it to you, then.”
Slipping her hand into one of her Bond’s own, the blue-eyed arcanist then treats their older friends to a kind smile, and pulls him along to the wide clearing in front of a massive wall of ice. Just like the bottle-neck that she’d fought at before, the wards in place funnelled the Daemon on the opposite side to a tapered point, and allowed their much smaller numbers to put up a winning, though very prolonged battle. “Ready?”
The wiry Knight treats his loving wife to a wry grin, and leans over to steal a trio of soft kisses… to the tune of cat-calls and wolf-whistles from their numerous comrades gathered behind them. “Ohhh… I’m more than ready.”
Angeline flashes a toothy smile as she feels the overwhelming amount of excitement flowing through their link. Clasping her mate’s hand as tightly as she can, she starts to force a small measure of her Power out through her feet, and lifts them up into the air, forcing her lover to dangle as she guides them up to the top of the wall. Once she’s given the nod, she allows him to drop, and watches with a grin as he draws his pair of swords. As soon as his feet find purchase atop the ice-wall, he’s off like a shot from a cannon, streaking along the enemy’s flank atop shoulders and heads of Daemon while slicing through their necks.
Aegis and Order: First Light
Fantasy"It’s shoulders were wide and powerful. At four metres in height, it was almost as large across as it was tall. The arms of the hulking beast hung nearly all the way to the ground, and were thick with rope-like muscles that bulged with even the sl...