Medusa And Water

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 we went in the bus and didnt really talk there afraid there would be someone who wants to kill us but sometimes i would look at percy and find him smiling at me which then i would look away.

we arrived at our destination which was an old garden house for some reason.

we went inside and i found it very welcoming for some reason.

g: This place is in need of
a total reconstruction.
Hi, is anyone home?
Look, have free drinks!

he opened the lid and there were a lot of rats , ew

g: Wow, that disgusting!

The public health department needs
to close this place.

i went outside near a fountain and found drachmas, something we need on this journey for sure.

a: Hey guys, just look at it.
GRD Gold drachmas
g: It means that we are on track.
a: here hold onto them and dont lose them

p: yeah yeah.

a: How will find the pearl
in this place?
g: Good question.
p: Okay, let's separate.
- Try everywhere.
a- Good idea.
g: I'm here.

i was checking out some of the statues and they looked really life like , i wonder if-

lady- It is coming!

a- What? Who?
l: We stopped to ask for information,
my poor husband.
Help me! Please help me!
Take a look at it.

i was running with the woman when i heard

g- We're in trouble!
p- Grover?
l: We have to get before
it finds us.
She became my husband in stone.

g: Percy! Annalise
- Annalise, where are you?

i wanted to tell him im alright but she was pulling my injured arm and i was hurting to even talk.

we ran faster but we were stopped by a lady wearing a head band and glasses everything black which suited her.

a: Do not move
medusa: What a surprise fabulous.
It's so exciting to receive
visitors so young!
We were so alone here.
So do my statues.
They are my only company.
- Daughter of zeus.
a- How do you know?
m: You have beautiful hair.
I've had hair like that.
I was courted, desired by many, including your father and we were going to get married soon.
But everything changed
because of athena, she was jealous.
The woman who cursed me.
What made me ...
a- Do not look!
m-  into this.
They say the eyes are the
window to the soul.
I hope you find my eyes ...
It's rude not to look
people in the eye.
Come on.
sneek only a peek.

i felt my hand getting stuck, looks like the lady turned into stone.

m: You will be a wonderful addition to my collection.
We'll be friends forever.
Sooner or later, you
open your eyes.
The temptation to look for
me is irresistible!

she was right i couldnt resist to longer

p: Do not look, Annalise,
do not open your eyes!
m: Who is this? Another demigod?

oh why percy why?!

looks like he distracted medusa but i felt a presence behind me so i shut my eyes again but turns out it was just grover.
g: Need help?
-a Thank you.
g- Let's go.

we go in the truck to save percy and i was driving i had no idea were i was driving but i know i hit something and turns out i hit medusa

a: You okay?

g: Yeah, I am.

p: Guys, can open your eyes.
g: Annalise, that was great great demigod driving

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