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It’s been a whole week since Sky and Hunter’s confrontation, a week since Sky was seen in public, and if you think that Kryptonite has left West Edmond with what Sky has said: “A new race of teen moms and mini-Masons.” And a slight shortage on condoms and lube, then you’re partly right, partly because Kryptonite (or to be exact, Hunter) announced that they’d be continuing their “studies” here in WEHS which means for eight months, we have to see their ugly faces and bitches following them. Now we (Me, Jace, John & Rose) thought that she took homeschooling because of it, well that’s what Anna said to us. But I feel like she’s not telling the truth to us so one day, we ditched school and went to their house.

We walked along Paddleburg Drive, Sky and Anna’s street, and went house hunting to find the miniscule #414 on the endless rows of Colonel-type houses, the only difference that makes us sure that we’re not hallucinating is the car type and doormat color.

We found #414 (how I have no idea) and rang the doorbell, a milk truck, mail van and UPS delivery scooter later, Anna opened the door to us much to her surprise. 

“Guys! Uh... What’s up?” she said, nervousness effectively covered.

“Anna, we know you and Sky are hiding something, let us in.” Jace said.

“Seriously, what’s up?” she asked with her tone a tad firmer.

“Anna, let us-” John tried to say before I pushed him aside and ran up the staircase towards Sky’s room, I pushed it open to find a opened and emptied Tylenol blister packs, a heap of blades, a bloody mattress, and an unconscious Sky that has a face whiter than snow.


The reaction I had seems kinda girly, but considering the circumstances I guess this is an exception. I screamed at the top of my lungs and blacked out. Gods, I forgot that I shouldn’t have a sudden emotional overload, my brain either blacks out (which is a good thing) or I hallucinate and see things (which is obviously a bad thing). The next thing I knew is that I’m lying in a bed in a room that I sense is shockingly familiar, wait. White walls everywhere, check. Rhythmic beeping, check. Unmovable left hand that feels like a lot of wires are attached to it, check. Anti-septic smell, check. Sigh, I’m back in the Psycho ward of the hospital. But I suddenly remember Sky, so I stood up (slowly) and tried to move when my left hand suddenly felt a slight tug, oh right the IV lines so I latched it up the movable pole thing and found Sky just across of my room, how convenient. So I entered and found the most shocking thing in my life, Hunter Mason kissing Skylar Clyde’s forehead. I quickly ran back my room and tried to fumble around the wires when the door opened, I  reached for the food tray (sorry food) and yelled my battle cry, only to find that it was only the nurse, great now everyone will think that I have that schizo-shit thingy. But I wonder what got Hunter to visit Sky in this state.



“Where the fuck am I? I can’t move! Shit, I’m de-AAAAAAAAGH!” my mental voiced wailed in my already fucked up brain. “Ok then, I’m still alive. I smell the anti-germs thing so I’m in a hospital, o THANK YOU to my angels that saved me.” My mental voice continued. After a while, I heard a door opening “It must be the doctor.” The voice continued, but sad to say that it was wrong. “I know you can’t hear me...” Wait, no. NO. NO! What is Fucker Mason doing in this damn room! Ugh, too bad I can’t move I’d love to punch that face-sucker’s face, at least I can... what’s the word again? Gah, forget it “But I just want you to know how much I feel sorry for what I did and I hope that you forgive me for everything that I did to you (*snort* as if bitch), not because of fame or reputation... the truth is, I feel a big pile of shit after I did that there (Oh no dear! You’re not a pile of shit, you’re worse than that, much worse...) and from all the years that I interacted with girls, I feel that you’re not one of those girls that does one-night stands (Uh, newsflash! You give them voluntarily.) but you’re... you’re original, one-of-a-kind, unique and definitely special (Oh, so you love me? Sorry, I’m married to our ‘fridge.) so even if you... er, asleep? Uh... I promise to make it up to you with the way you want it. (Oho, now we’re talking!)” And then he did the unexpected, he kissed me on my forehead and then (for good riddance) left. Great, now I have a lovesick leech at my heels. At least there’s another person in this building that I know that’s suffering, that person is even screaming something though unintelligible.

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