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 Nobody stops Skylar Clyde’s food frenzy except for the pizza delivery guy and her dog who’s about to turn her phone into a chew toy, so when someone texted AND called I said “WHAT?” But the line was immediately cut so I checked my inbox. Ugh, this method always tricks me into doing this habit! Anyways, I read the text message (from Jace… unsurprisingly) and it said “Go to level 16, ICU block of the hospital. PRONTO.” God, does this boy want to get himself in one of those beds? But with curiosity burning through me, I changed and grabbed my bag (that’s full to the brim with chips) and grabbed my motor keys.

As I arrived at the lobby, I saw Anna exiting her cab still holding her chessboard along with John who is in his pyjamas (which consisted of… punk teddy bear?! Oooook.) I hollered to get their attention and it worked so we end up being in one elevator. Unfortunately we got in the elevator used to transfer patients to other levels so we ended up with a sorta-dead guy (that’s hopefully NOT to the morgue) and a child who has nothing attached to her, I suddenly remembered the movie about a ghost of a child living in a hospital elevator, I shivered at the thought. Thankfully the elevator door opened before the child even got the chance to blast my nerves out (if that girl is “the elevator ghost”).

We reached the ICU waiting area where we saw Jace puffy eyed and Mrs. Michaels looking no better. They noticed us and out of the blue Jace just hugged me, I didn’t even see a blur that means he moved “Sky… Sky… He… He looks so… so… so…” he managed to say before he finally broke down into a mess of sobs. After a few minutes, he released me and sat down at his chair with his eyes fixed on the window next to me and staring at what’s inside before he break downs all over again. I peeked and I wanted to scream, I can’t describe the gruesomeness but I just stood there until Mrs. Michaels called me to go sit. 

She told us the whole story, but looks like Jace already knew that ‘cause he just stared blankly at the floor. Geez, what the Hades is going on in his mind, it’s like he’s in love with him (Jace? GAY? Hahaha, you should’ve seen him when Miranda Birdshaw kissed him full on the lips when he won the spelling contest.) But nah, he’s just plain worried about Jake. He’s like that to everyone he meets.

I tried to stand up to look at Jake again but my legs suddenly give way (crushing ALL my chips in the bag) like they’re replaced with Jell-O. Great, now I need a wheelchair to get the hell out of here and as if that dreadful trip down to the ground floor after I’m discharged isn’t enough. Luckily it’s a Saturday and I’m wearing something comfy so I just slept the feeling away and me not knowing that my dreams will be tainted with something that will happen in the future. (Cool!)


 I dreamed that I’m in a chapel, all around me are people wearing white and dressed in formal shit (and with that I looked at my clothes and thankful, they’re all the same) but they didn’t seem to notice me ‘cause they’re all busy staring something at the front, a casket. I walked towards it, unsure on what or who’s in it but I quickly got a hint on who’s in it as I saw Anna then a little farther is John, I ran now with pure fear surging through me and I see Jace standing beside it, tears silently flowing out of his eyes. “Gods, it’s me… It’s me… It’s me… It’s me…” I keep on murmuring as I struggled to open the casket, the casket suddenly glowed and released a summery breeze then slowly opening, the glass is tinted but it faded fast so seconds later I got a clear view of Jake, looking like the healthiest I have seen him but dead, dead to the bone. I screamed at that.

I woke up in cold sweat; I stood up and saw Mrs. Michaels fast asleep next to Mr. Michaels who is either asleep or resting his eyes but he didn’t stir so I took the former, and then I moved my eyes to Jace and saw… Where is Jace? I heard a scuffling so I turned around and saw him, looking at the window showing dawn. Then we hear a commotion in Jake’s bed.



 I’m trapped in this insufferable darkness that I welcome gratefully; since I blacked out I have been calmer and more clear-headed. I feel free like the skin that’s holding me in that dreadful world melted away; the feeling is just complicated to say. No word can ever compare to it. After a few days, as I’m getting used to the feeling, I feel that the skin I melted away has found me and its surrounding and choking me, I realized that it’s pulling me back to the old, dreadful world that I thought I had left behind forever. Then it hit me. The pain was just intolerable, like I just had been beaten to a pulp by a herd of orangutans then smothered by a steamroller, there was something in my throat and things attached to my arms, I wanted to scream but I can’t… I just can’t. . I hear beeping in the background, a crash of something and sparks like a blown fuse, then the thing in my throat is gone and relief surged through my left arm them to the rest of my body. The world that I thought I left has revived me, and as I tried to move my eyes to confirm my worst fears a scream penetrated the air, Sky’s distinct scream followed by a voice that I knew belongs to Jace. Oh joy, I’m back in Tartarus and been seen by some of my friends. Ok Hades, I think I had enough now, right?

After a few moments, I managed to open my eyes and see my mom, dad, Jace and Sky beside me. I must look like death or something worse ‘cause Jace is just a waterfall and so is Sky (and it takes A LOT to do that to Sky.)

My mom held my hand and was saying “Jake! It’s fine now my boy, everything is just fine now, ok?” and the rest of the day is just a blur so I just slept the day away until I can’t sleep anymore (considering my coma is about a week and a half) so I resorted to watch the nurses and doctors who attend to me, they seem freaked out after they attended me, maybe it’s because of my current physique or I’m just staring at them weirdly. 

After a few days, I’m free to go but I can’t go to school. I’m gonna be home-schooled for the rest of the year (considering it’ll be only two months before graduation) and I can’t eat solid foods for a whole month (including ice cream, aw man!) so I’m stuck to drinking the child of a protein shake and paper maché that has the consistency of a snail climbing a wall. Luckily I have the best friends a failed suicidal could ever have, they “generously” donated a tub  of ice cream, three bags of their favorite chips and a jug full of my favorite soda and don’t even ask how I managed to store this lot of goodies from my parent’s eyes. 

I still retain my room despite my doctor/dad’s advice that I should move to another room because of the memories I have there, and trust me you don’t want to know the details on our little argument, but I can share some bits why I wanted to stay there but don’t go puke all over the place now. I have a loose floorboard where I hide all the goodies (DON’T TELL THEM), extra blades and meds and pictures of Jace and some other personalities I dreamed of.

And speaking  of the extra blades and meds, I’m not even thinking twice of throwing them out, I may be mentally unstable at the moment but NOT IN A MILLION YEARS WILL I THROW OUT THESE THINGS THAT ALWAYS COMFORT ME. And besides, they will never know the next big thing I’m gonna be throwing.

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