Chapter 4

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I am so, so, so sorry for being so bloody late with this chapter, but after deleting the one i already had written i had to rewrite this and with a short amount of my free time it took kinda long. Anyway, after this will be one last chapter, which i promise, i'll update this time soon :) 


"Nice to see you, Tomlinson" Harry smirked.

Louis swallowed and without any word stepped aside to let Harry in and when Harry did so, Louis quickly checked the street, to make sure that people didn't see Harry Styles, the bad guy, walking into his house. Shorter of the two boys then closed the doors and with slight fear faced to the curly haired one.

"So where is little Zaynie?" Harry smirked, curiously looking around the house. 

"You will burn in hell for this"

Harry just smiled "And you think that you will not?" 

Louis clenched his teeth before taking Harry up the stairs to Zayn's room. He slowly knocked and after hearing a soft 'yeah', he opened the doors, exposing his little brother, lying on bed and hugging the pillow. 

Zayn looked from his brother to the other man, immediately pushed the pillow aside and stood up. 

"Well..could you give us some privacy, now?" Harry looked at Louis which was watching Zayn with a guilt in his heavenly blue eyes, slowly nodding and rushing out of Zayn's room, leaving him alone with Styles.

"So, kid-" Harry started, but was interrupted by frowning Zayn.

"I am not a kid" 

"Sure you will not be in a while" Harry mumbled and smirked, scanning Zayn from his pretty legs, which would by the way look very well in a skirt, to his perfectly stylized, raven hair "Anyway, what if you would tell me something about you?" 

"Like what?" Zayn furrowed his eyebrows.

"Anything" Harry smiled and shrugged, suddenly wanting to know more about this young fella. 

"I don't really know.." What could man, which came to fuck you want to know about you? 

So it will not be as easy as Harry thought it will be. Okay, he can improvise. 

"So tell really have to like Louis, ha?" He winked at Zayn with a little smirk on his face. 

"What you mean by that, perv??" 

"Woah, chill, kid" Harry chuckled, quite amused by younger boy's reaction. 

"I told you that i am not any fucking kid, you crazy, pathetic wanker, so stop calling me that!" Zayn snapped, annoyed by Harry's attitude.

"So let's start, shall we?" Harry slowly locked the doors, ignoring Zayn's insults. 

Zayn bit his lip, unsteadily watching the older one, which was now watching him as well. 

"So c'mon, clothes off" Harry commanded. He wanted to talk with Zayn, to get to know him a little, but how he could see, it wasn't possible. 

"Please, can't we just-" 

"Look..i will not hurt you, i promise. But only if you will be a good boy. Will you be a good boy for me, Zaynie?" 

After some time of thinking Zayn quietly nodded and slowly, with shaky hands took his clothes off.

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