Chapter 5

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So here it is. The last chapter of this fic :) Can't believe i wrote it so quick :D Anyway, thanks to everyone who's been reading this, it means a lot to me, really :) I also noticed that some of you wanted me to finish the Show fanfic, so i decided that i am goin' to do that for Zourry part, so i hope it will be soon done too :)) 


Harry was all the time eagerly watching as the younger boy stripped off his clothes, completely enjoying the view on young, tan flesh. All he wanted to do was just push Zayn against the wall and f*ck him senseless, but after all, he wasn't such a monster as everyone thought. He definitely didn't want to hurt the younger boy, no, he wanted to make him feel as good as possible. He wanted, no he needed, from some reason, to show to Zayn how good he can make him feel. 

"What about your underwear?" Harry asked when it looked like Zayn wasn't going to take off also his boxers. 

"I..please.." Zayn whispered, clearly embarrassed with the idea of him being completely naked in front of a stranger. But he knew that it was exactly what was going on here, he knew how it will be, but when he was imagining it looked quite different. In his imaginations would be actually now the moment when would Louis come and somehow save him..maybe. But it more and more seemed to be a bullshit.

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his curly hair. 

"Come here, Zayn" 

The younger boy only shortly looked up, before hypnotizing the floor again. 

"Zayn" Harry spoke a bit louder this time, not wanting to be too bad to the other boy, but also wanting to show him who's the boss here. And surprisingly it worked, because Zayn immediately walked towards Harry, probably scared of what could happen to him if he would not listen to Harry's orders.

"Good boy" Harry smiled, gently caressing Zayn's cheek, feeling how the teen tensed under his touch. 

"Don't be afraid of me, i already told you that i will not hurt you. And yet you are a very good boy, so i have no reason for hurting you, okay? Just relax" 

Zayn wasn't sure about Harry's words, but tried to little relax anyway. 

Harry was watching Zayn's beautiful hazel eyes and thinking about his next step. After some time he slowly leaned in and gave Zayn a quick peck on lips. 

"Is that all right?" He asked politely, he didn't want to be way too fast on the raven haired boy. 

"Y-yeah" Zayn slowly nodded.

Harry grinned, before leaning in again and connecting his lips to Zayn's. He then closed his eyes and slowly moved his lips against those perfectly soft ones. In his head started to forming imaginations of what all could Zayn do with those amazing lips. 

The younger boy didn't know what to do. Should he kiss Harry back, or just let the older man to kiss him and not doing anything? He didn't want Harry to be angry so he just closed his eyes and went of with the first alternative.

Zayn would never admit it loud, but kissing Harry didn't feel bad at all. It was actually quite nice. 

It wasn't long before Harry put his hands on Zayn's slim waist, pulling him closer to his body and slowly licking over teen's lower lip, asking him for entry, which Zayn gladly gave him. 

Soon they had to pull away because of lack of air, both little dazed, Zayn with a bit flushed cheeks and Harry with wide grin.

For good five minutes they were just silently watching each other, until Harry slowly pushed Zayn on bed and crawled on top of him. 

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