Chapter 3. Dreams 1

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I knew it was a dream and that I was indeed floating somewhere between reality and fiction.

It was dark, wet, and in the distance I could hear a distinct pitter-patter of rain on the windows.

The bitter sweet winter winds had come around and pulled me into their embrace...yet I was in only a t-shirt and jogger bottoms. I looked at the dark walls surrounding me and wondered if there was an end to this dark abyss.

I reached out in attempt to touch something...anything.

Judging by the shape and shade I came to the conclusion that the object in front of me was in deed a lamp. I pulled lightly on the dangling accessory and a light began to peek through the darkness.

Not from the lamp.

I turned my head and was met by a street light in the distance. It's confidant structure and light shined far brighter than I had ever seen and I felt myself gravitating towards it like some sort if insect. A side walk appeared and then there was the faint purple of the morning London sky's.

This could be a way out! I began a slow paced, cautious trek towards my possible savior.

But it seemed however that the closer I tried to get to the light the further it moved away from me.

I began a slow jog after it but my efforts were futile and when I paused to catch my breath the light continued without me.

I was again alone and in the darkness.

Sweating from the exhaust of movement, yet I didn't feel fatigued at all. I was still however bent over at the knees.

It was about a minute later when I heard the voice. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid it chanted through the blackness. The voice became closer until I could pinpoint the direction it was coming from.

Ahead two red orbs traveled closer. Looking into me and a strange feeling of déjà vu came over me.

They continued until they were directly in front of me and I gasped as something reached out and touched my face.

"Who are you." The words slipped through my lips without a single stutter. Whatever was in front of me made a sound something of a laugh.

"Louis." Louis the word echoed in my mind.

"Well Louis what brings you to such a place?"

"Temporary living arrangements ." I couldn't see anything except the brilliant red of what I registered to be this mans eyes but i could tell there was a smile on his face."What do you think?"Red eyes looked around and I followed the motion.

"Dark, cold, and quite unpleasant." He made a sound which was something of a chuckle.

I looked forward at the eyes as they began to rise until my neck became craned.

"Now I'm assuming you'll want some answers?" I nodded my head until I realized he could see me.

"Yes." There was a slight gush of wind and we were both placed into a much warmer, smaller, and familiar room.

My bedroom. And not the one I was currently staying in at my apartment. But the one with hot pink walls and sequins nailed to the floor. I took an involuntary gasp and stood from the floor. The room wasn't the most surprising thing.

In the bed sleeping was a girl curled into a ball. One thumb in her mouth the other one wrapped securely around a stuffed rabbit. This girl was me...15 years ago.

"W-what are we doing here?" My voice barley above a whisper. A warm hand was placed on my back to I'm guessing provide comfort that it did indeed.

"To get the answers you request Adrianna," his smooth voice was in my ear now," we must go back to the beginning."


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! I have a lot of assignments but I decided to give you something as an I'm sorry gift...surprise!! This chapter will be I'm guessing about 2-3 part
s that will be uploaded. Thanks again so much for reading I mean come on!! 400 reads and 36 votes!! Let's not forget about the amazing comments! Thanks guys! You inspire my writing!

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