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It was obvious that they were soulmates. They were literally made for each other. Anyone could see that. The way they stared at each other with adoration but both neither having the courage to say anything. They were both afraid of rejection, of something that could be if they just said three words; "I Love You."

They were two halves of a whole, barely fighting and just enjoying each other's presence. They looked and sometimes acted like opposites, but like the ying-yang, they completed each other. They needed one another to be their true selves, only opening up to that one person.

The two were like peanut butter and jelly. They were just so perfect together, you couldn't say otherwise. Sure there were a couple of people not liking them together, but all that mattered was that they were happy. Yes one got jealous here and there, but that's normal. Jealousy is an emotion we can't help. But there is a difference between jealousy and possessiveness. Fortunately, no one was possessive in this relationship; just jealous.

You would usually never see the one without the other. It just didn't look right. They didn't even like to be apart for a couple of hours at the most. They loved each other so much that time just passed by and they didn't care. All that mattered was them and the moment.

They were perfect for each other. Maybe separately they weren't perfect but together? You can't deny the spark and chemistry oozing off of them. They were they and that was that. They were two souls that became one. They were lucky to find another who can always make them laugh and just cheer them up in general.

They were soulmates.

Book 1 of the One Word Series - Soulmates: Complete
Book 2 of the One Word Series - Best Friends: Complete
Book 3 of the One Word Series - Enemies: Coming Soon
To Be Announced for More...

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