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Hi guys!

First of all,I want to apologize for not being able to update for the entire summer.I was so occupied with schoolwork as next school year will be the most important for me so I completely forgot about updating this book which I'm so sorry about:(

Second,I know this is random but I really want to dedicate this chapter to all leaders of Kpop groups.Below will be a really really long message(So please bare with me if you can).

(Here it goes hehe)

I've always had a soft spot for leaders to be honest.No matter if they were chosen because of age or experience,I've always admired them.This summer, I watched a lot of Kpop videos, and I happened to notice one thing that almost happens with every group. LEADERS ARE NOT APPRECIATED ENOUGH.

It seems like a lot of people don't understand the responsibilities and burdens of a leader.A leader's job not only includes making speeches at award shows and speaking for the group at the end of shows. Being a leader is so much more than that. Leaders represent both the company and the group's thoughts to each other, and sometimes it puts the leader in a very difficult situation. Sometimes the group and company have dividing thoughts and a leader needs to find a solution and a balance to it. Sometimes the leader has to act as the "bad guy" and deliver bad news from the company to the group. It's something he has to do, he doesn't have a choice, it's not up to him to decide, but to some people and maybe even some members dare I say, act like he's the bad guy here.A leader also needs to take the blame for something,even if he or she has done nothing wrong.It takes a lot of patience and a lot of tolerance, because leaders are humans too, and what people and entertainment companies ask from them is a lot.

I am a multi-fandom kpop fan, and I've seen a lot of times when a leader is clearly frustrated or mad but has to keep it in because he's supposed to be the person who keeps the group together and has 0% temper.Yes, a leader should always lead the group when it gets difficult and hard, but people tend to forget that leaders are also normal people.They have a lot of stress(Even more than other members dare I say)and it's normal for a few outbursts and upset faces here and there, yet people act like they've committed a crime or something and that leaders aren't allow to feel stressed or frustrated or mad. When other members do it, people go "Oh poor XXXX" but when leaders do it "Hey he's the leader it's his job to endure hardships for the group".It's just so irritating and messed up.

People need to know just how much leaders sacrifice every day and how admirable they actually are. I've seen different types of leaders:Some a little tougher and more strict, some who take a more soft approach at leadership and only shows his leader side when necessary. But all of them to me are the strongest people I know. They put on a smile every day and act like it's all normal even though they might be feeling crappy af,and for the members they always try to hold in their emotions so that they can take care of them when they're having trouble or feeling down. They've probably gone through so much yet they still give their best in every performance just to make fans happy, yet they've never given up on living out their dreams and guiding the group. 

I know a lot of people who recognise the hardships of a leader, but there are still a lot of ignorant people who don't understand just how much a leader has to go through to let his group shine and do well. I hope people give them the recognition and gratitude they deserve, because a leader's job is in no way easy at all.

So I want to thank all kpop leaders here. Thank you for being the members' pillar, thank you for being strong, thank you for holding back your tears when you're just as emotional as the members, thank you for letting each and every single member shine on their own. And thank you for not giving up.We love you alllllllll!!!!!

(Okie dokey, so I've finished ranting, and it's okay if you don't agree with what I've said. But if you do, thank you for baring with me.I just needed to express my feelings somewhere. So please give our leaders some love!!!)

Kpop ZodiacOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora