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James' *P.O.V*

I woke up from my deep sleep. I felt a warm body pressed to my front. I opened my eyes and I had my muscular arms wrapped around the girls wasit. It was Autumn. I smiled to myself and kissed her forehead as he face was close to mine. She mumbled in her sleep, moving a bit, showing that she is starting to wake up. I planted a small kiss into her lips making her wake up and smile up at me.

"Oh wow you didn't leave." She said sarcastically, which I have noticed she is alot from hanging around with her alot.

"Don't go there." I chucked.

Autumn softly layed a kiss onto my collarbone making the sides of my mouth curl up into a smile. If I could I would stay like this forever.

"Do you want to go on a date tonight?" I questioned out of the blue.

She looked at me for a bit before nodding.

"I would love to." She smiled showing her teeth which were perfect due to her having braces when she was younger.

She got up making me smile and stare at her body. She got into a pair of Calvin Klien underwear so I tried not to look. She then put on a new bra and got onto a very large white t-shirt then some black ripped jeans with black/white puma suedes.

"You look good." I smirked and got up.

She just shook her head as she done her make up. Autumn was sat infront of her mirror and I watched her as she did something with a sponge. I don't know I'm no beauty guru. She looked at me to in the reflection of the mirror.

"You better get dressed." She chuckled.

I put on my jeans and the sweatshirt Autumn gave me which was around my size. It also kind of smelled like her aswell which made me smile but also spray my Calvin Klein aftershave over the piece of clothing to mask the sweet perfume of Autumn has on all the time. Then I put on my pair of dark brown boots. Afterwards I looked up to Autumn who was brushing her hair. Slowly, I walked up from behind her, slipped my hands from the back chair and snaked my arms around her waist then rested my head in the crook of Autumn's neck.

"James what are you doing." She chuckled.

"Cuddling." I mumbled into her neck.

"Not to sound rude James, but nothing is official. As far as I'm concerned I'm still not 100% about you and we are only seeing eachother. I'm sorry." Autumn said with frowed eyebrow, making me pull my head away, but keep my arms around her.

What she was saying was hurting alot as I am talking for her but at the same time I understood what she was saying.

"Don't say sorry. I do understand what you are saying. Yes it does hurt because I do like you alot, but I did hurt you." I said softly then kissing her cheek. "Nothing is official now but it could be soon."

She smiled as did I. I put on my backpack and Autumn follwed with the same action after putting on her black Harrington jacket.

"I texted Connor to just meet me at form."

"Ok, More time with me then." I replied smirking.

We walked out the house with Autumn locking up then we both walked the college. Softly, I let my hand slip into hers, but as soon as Scarlet was in sight she moved her hand away. We both walked past her and walked into the college corridor.
Suddenly I pushed Autumn lightly into the disabled toilets and locked the door.

Short chapter I know but it's only a filler 😊 remember to vote and comment so I know to continue with this book. I'm getting really into it. 😊😊 Comment what you think is going to happen next as well as who you ship Autumn with. Brad or James, maybe even Connor 😂.

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