Chapter 3

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Jada's POV

Zayn was a pretty nice guy. It was kind of embarresing calling him Harry. I was glad I had a companion to come along with me while I explored. He was more familiar with this city than I was so we wouldn't get lost.  It was now around 7am. A little early to go walking around town, but i didn't care.

I set the suit case down in the middle of the living room. 

"Do you like marmite?" I asked him. I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one. 

"That's random," He said setting down the other suit case, the oversized one, beside the one I had been carrying. 

"Yes or No?" 

"Well...sometimes. I guess it really depends how you eat it. I'm not a big fa, why?"

"Guess who put tons of it on toast thinking it would taste like Nutella?"

He burst out into laughter. I couldn't help but laugh too. He had the funniest laugh ever! It was funny in a really cute way. 

Whenever my friend Sarah would force me to watch One Direction videos with her I would always look at Zayn, I had no idea what his name was at the time, and think wow he must be a self-centered asshole. It's not good to judge people before you actually know them but I couldn't help it. 

I was so wrong. He was really nice and easy going. Maybe even a bit shy. At least so far. I hope he's not faking it though. Assholes are known to act sweet and gentle around girls they want and then completely changed and show their true colors when they get the girl. I'm not putting down my guard no matter how cute, nice and shy he is.

"That's disgusting," He said as he finally finished laughing. "Crazy American."

I rolled my eyes at him. 

"whatever," I said. I opened the door and walked out hoping he would follow. I didn't hear any foot steps behind me so I turned around. He was just standing at the door way just starring at me, well my back. 

His eyes immediatley looked down as a blush creeped to his face. He smiled at the ground. 

"You coming?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said quietly and closed the door. 

Outside it was rather gloomy looking. It was really cloudy out and it looked like it was going to rain soon. Zayn and I were the only people walking leisurely. Everyone else was dressed in Suits and rushing off to work. 

There was an awkward silence as we walked around. I don't like awkward silences and apparently neither does Zayn. 

"So what's you're favorite thing about Bradford so far?" He asked. 

"Well I haven't been out much since I arrived here two days ago."

He nodded and put his hands in his pocket and just stared at the ground. We were back where we had started. Awkward Silence. 

"Wanna play 20 questions?" I asked. 

It was the best way to get to know someone without sounding like a creep with all your questions. 

"Sure," He said looking up. "You start."

"hmm," I said tapping my chin. "What's you're favorite color?"

He raised an eyebrow and gave me his crooked smile. Oh my god that was so freakin sexy even I have to admit it! I tried not to show how sexy I thought that was on my face. 

"What?" I said confused.

"That's such a year 3 question," he chuckled.

A year what? I made a mental note to search what that was on google when I get home. I didn't ask him. I was still trying not to look like much of a misfit here in England. 

"So?" I laughed. "Just answer it."


"Your turn."

"What's your's?"

"You have to ask a different question silly,"

Now it was his turn to tap his chin. He was obviously mocking how I had done it before. No doubt it was still extremely cute. 

"You're killin me Zayn,: I said. Shit that slipped.

"How so," He said cocking his head to the side and smiling. 

"Just ask me the darn question," I said jokingly. 

"Favorite sweet?"

"Jolly Ranchers."

"mmm," He said starring off into the sky. 

I couldn't help but get a good look at him while he was looking away. I stared at him til he looked my way again. He smiled. Now it was my turn to blush. 

We had traveled a long distance. Our building was nowhere to be found. We were in a different part of Bradford and I hadn't even noticed til now. 

Usually I'm very aware of my surrounding. Oh No! Please No! This can't be happening. I can't be falling for him already. I just met him! 

That's just the thing with me. I fall in "love" with pretty much every nice guy I meet. Except Nick of course. He's like a brother to me. 

"They don't sell those over here anymore."

"I know," I said "That's why I brought about 10 pounds of that stuff with me before I came."

"Well," he said turning on his heel. "I must go raid your flat then." 

I grabbed his arm and dragged him off. My stomach growled. It must've been pretty loud because it caused Zayn to look at me. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Kinda," I said giving him a shy smile. 

"Come on I know this awesome place that serves breakfast," He said grabbing my hand as he switched directions. 

Most of the time I would've slipped my hand away, but not this time. It felt so right. Like my hand was ment to be there. 

"I have a friend who works there, you'll love it," He added. 

He looked down at our hands and immediatley let go blushing. 

"I'm sorry," He whispered. 

I wanted to scream no don't let go. I just nodded like an idiot. Oh Boy I'm crushing on a guy I met less than an hour! Something is definitely wrong with me. 



Sorry if it's kinda short I'll try to make the next few chapters longer. 

I haven't recieved any PM's from anyone yet so if you have any ideas u would like me to add to this story dont be shy PM I promise i don't bite.....hard :D


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