Chapter 5

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"Whoa. I've got to admit I'm a little surprised you remember the way back." Zayn said after I successfully lead the way back to our building.

 Helping him unpack was pretty easy. We shoved everything in his dresser and hung his shirts in his closet. 

As I headed for the door I heard Zayn's voice say behind me, "Are you doing anything tonight?" 

That question caught me off guard. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. 

"What?" I asked. I wanted to make sure I had heard him right. 

"Are you doing anything tonight. You know, like busy?"

"No," I said fighting back a blush but it was too late Zayn had already caught it and he smiled. 

"Wanna hang out? Maybe go to a Cinema in Leeds? It's an amazing city far more exciting than Bradford theres tons to do there," He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I knew he was nervous from his body language. My best friend Nick always rubbed the back of his neck when he was nervous. Zayn was a shy boy. I loved it. 

"I'd love that," I said. "But aren't you going to get mobbed by fans?" 

"Nah I got it under control," He said chuckling. 

I headed toward my apartment. My mom was dressed and waiting for me when I came inside. 

"Where have you been?" She asked. She didn't ask it in a scolding way, though. It was more like she was genuinely curious. 

"Well I went out to explore the city and I made a friend today," I said beeming. 

"That's great honey!" mom exclaimed. "Are you ready to go shopping?"

Oh my god. I had totally forgotten I had to go shopping for an outfit for tomorrow. I was going to be meeting with an editor tomorrow who wanted to publish my first book. I had to look my best. 

Mom smiled. "You forgot," She said knowingly. 

"Yeah," I said nodding. 

"That's alright. I'll wait, go change." She said throwing herself on the couch. 

I ran, well more liked speed walked because you couldn't really run in this apartment without smacking your face on a wall, back to my room and changed as quickly as I could. The entire time going out with Zayn tonight was on my mind. It wasn't officially a date but we were going out nonetheless.

I couldn't get the goofy smile off my face while I changed into dark wash jeans, a simple black t-shirt and an orange trench coat. I topped it all off with black Burberry rainboots. And of course I couldn't forget my umbrella, it looked like it was going to start pouring any minute.

"Did you know there aren't any shops in Bradford... well not anymore." Mom said as we drove.

"Where are we going then?" I asked.

"A town called Leeds not too far from here," She said. 

"Really? Leeds?" I said. My mom totally noticed the surprise in my voice.

"You've heard of Leeds? Looks like somebody did some research before we moved here," She said smiling all smugly even though I have no idea what she was smug about.

"Actually a friend I met today asked me if I wanted to see a movie in Leeds tonight," I said. 

"Ooo you're making friends already," She said. 

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