Chapter 1: Kidnapped At The Age Of 16

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The room was dark. I didn't know where I was. Why am I here? Who brought me here? It was all a mystery.

I had a problem. I had been kidnapped...but by who?

Sitting in a very uncomfortable chair, I waited for something to happen. Anything was better than sitting alone in pitch black. My fingers found the rope around my wrists. Oh no. It was confirmed. I had in fact been kidnapped and now taken hostage. For fudge sake!

"I hope you're not too uncomfortable." A strange voice said to moi. Did he not know how uncomfortable this chair was?

"Lemon sherbet!" I screamed, thrashing my arms and legs, pulling against my restraints. Some people may think me replacing swearing with names of sweets is weird, but I think it's very PG.

"What?" The voice said, sounding confused with my choice of words. I shook my head. What am I doing? This person could be dangerous and here I am yelling the name of sweets-pull yourself together Lucy, I thought to myself.

"Is it money you want? Something non PG, because that's illegal!"

The sound of a door opening filled the dark room. A light flashed on, casting a shadow across the young man's face. I was afraid. I was petrified. Too scared to move or even breathe, I watched him walk towards me. I squealed and squirmed under his grasp. He smashed his lips against my own, until a scream escaped my lips as the chair fell backwards. Oh Toffee.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" The blonde haired weirdo apologised over and over. He pulled the chair up right and checked me for any injuries. I told him I had broken my skull, but he didn't take it as a joke.

"I'm fine! Apart from my traumatised lips," I snapped, not feeling sorry for what I said. The man looked offended, which was weird because I was the one who had indeed been kidnapped and taken hostage against my will.

"Well someone isn't a fan of One Direction!" He exclaimed, walking away from me. My head was spinning. Why couldn't he have chosen a more comfortable chair?!

One Direction...that rings a bell...One Direction. Oh, it's that pop boy band. Yes I remember now, my friend was on Twitter and she was fangirling about someone called Larry Stylinson. Don't they have a song as well? I think it's called 'That's what makes you beautiful.".

Which one was he? Is he the gay one? No he can't be, he just kissed me. He looks average...not the best looking, okay maybe decent. His voice tells me he's Irish. I knew that much about him.

Suddenly, I felt a small prick in my arm. I looked down to see the man had put an unusual purple liquid into my bloodstream.

Coming from some speakers, in the distance I could hear the sound of at least four or five boys singing "Get out, get out, get out of my head and fall into my arms instead."

Darkness enveloped me as the blonde haired weirdo stared down at me in the uncomfortable chair and I drifted off to sleep.

The purpose of this book isn't to offend anyone, it's all light hearted fun.

Also, all pictures and videos used throughout this book belong to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended. We only have reserved rights over the writing.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Naturally Purple'!

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