Chapter 24

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Jazmine's POV

When I wake up I hear pounding on the door. All the other boys hear it too.  We all get out of bed. Zayn peeks through the eye whole and sees.... Louis.

"It's Louis" He says

"You have to be kidding me.... Hide me!" I say

"Come with me," Says Harry

We go to the padio of the hotel room. Harry climbs off of it and into the other hotel room since there so close.

"Come on I got you." He says

"Oh my god I am terrified" I say

"Just trust me" He says

I then do it not loking down. Harry then tells me to stay here and that he has to go back over there.

Harry's POV

 Louis is at the door pounding. I hide Jazmine in the other hotel room. As we all open the door.

"Yeah?" Niall says

"Wheres Jazmine??" Louis asks

"Not here!" Zayn says

"Your lying" Louis says

"No were serious..." Liam says

" Where is she then?" Louis asks

"She took a flight to where her parents were." I say

"You have to be kidding me??" Louis says

"Its the truth" Zayn says

Louis soon searches the whole hotel room. He then concludes that she is gone. He leaves. Louis is acting really strange. He looks alot different. His hair is straight. He has on tighter clothing. He had no beanie. He had on glasses and boots. He looked strange.

"I will go get Jaz" I say

"OK" The boys nod

I then bring Jazmine out of the other hotel room. I tell her that I told Louis that you took a flight back to your parents. All the other boys leave and its just me and Jazmine. We sit on the couch and before we know it we are kissing. Her lips feel so soft against mine. Her lips move to the rythme of mine. She is just so perfect. After were done kissing Jazmine leaves. Louis keeps texting her and she is really mad.

Jazmine's POV

After me and Harry are done kissing I leave and get in the car to go get something to eat for me and Harry. I look down at my phone to reply to a text and thats when it happened. Boom! The whole side of my car gets smashed in. An ambulence is called. I dont move because I cant move. I then see an ambulence and then its all a blurrr!

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