Chapter twenty-seven: The Island of Glass

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I had a dream again, but this time I was not dream-traveling. I was in a meadow. I'm not sure what I'm doing here, just sitting on a log while watching the flowers show off their rich and colorful petals. In front of me was a family; A father, a mother, a brother, a sister, and an adorable baby carried by the mother. Together, the couple sat on a blanket, watching their son and daughter chase one another. I was so jealous of them, so jealous of them having a normal life as I had before. Without magic, without monsters, without extra-ordinary problems, and most especially me being . . . the supernatural me.

I did nothing. Nothing at all as if my only purpose in this dream was to watch them enjoy their happiness. My spirit was about to ascend as a sign of relief, what I saw in front of me was joy, life, hope.

Suddenly, the blue sky changed into bloody red. The white clouds dimmed into a dark grey before merging. The gentle wind became a violent storm. Behind the horrifying, thundering clouds beyond us, a silhouette showed up, a huge figure spreads its two big wings. On top of it appeared to be a neck extending to the sky, separating into three. The figure (Monster) descended from the clouds. The Devastrigon, or as you want to call it, the Triáda Katastréfo, growled like a true king of dragons. It was still horrifying despite it being a dream, I had to admit it.

I looked at the family, their hopes and joy were gone. They want to escape, find their way out, but the Devastrigon burned their path. The meadow that was once filled with beautiful flowers, now burned into a wasteland. I had to help. The three-headed dragon still had the limitless, powerful abilities to destroy everything. And I'm the only one who could stop it. The place was like the underworld now. I can feel the heat running through my skin. Before the monster turned the family into ashes, I flew in their direction quickly, sending the family to an inflammable place I could find one by one. But that's not enough, I know what I must do.

I glared at the Devastrigon, and it glared back. Face to face. The middle head fired its hell flame, but I'm fast enough to run toward them. The claymore appeared in my right hand somehow. Its shiny red flames burning bright like it's similar to a thunderbolt of a god from the stories I had read except with a handle and a guard. Swiftly, I went every way to avoid being burned alive as the hot flames struck at me wherever I stop. I ran at almost full speed before I soared up to the sky.

Pointing my burning claymore straight to its heart, which I almost forgot. I let out a battle cry as I felt the magic urge me to go straight ahead. The red flames surrounding me like I'm a humanoid meteor but bursting straight away from the earth. I will not let it hurt anyone else. I went straight to its heart. I heard nothing but the screams of the Devastrigon. I turned to see the family. Thank goodness, they're all right- they're safe. Abruptly, they vanished into black smoke.

I didn't let myself wander, I just held my claymore and thrust it into its heart. The three-headed dragon shrieked. The only thing I remembered after was this huge light. Only . . . the light.

 the light

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Arise the Dragonslayer [⚔️The Flash warrior series #1⚔️]Where stories live. Discover now