Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter Twenty-two


"Umm guys we have something to tell you all," I said to my friends and family to get their attention. At the moment Andrew and I were standing in front of the TV, addressing everyone sitting down.

"You know Jody and I went to have a check-up earlier today," People nodded so Andrew carried on, "Well we weren’t given the news we thought we were going to get."

All the girls, including my mum, jumped up and hugged me; my mum was crying as well as Grace. I just stood there shocked not knowing how they could know what we were going to say and react in this way. It was my dad who spoke first with a sad look on his face.

"I'm so sorry hun; we'll all do our best to help you feel comfortable in any way possible." I looked at Andrew with a confused look on my face, a mouthed to him 'what are they talking about' and he just shrugged a response.

I pushed the girls off of me one by one, first Dawn, then Hannah, Grace, and finally my mum who clung to me with dear life while whispering 'I'm sorry' for some reason.

"Guys everything is fine, it’s nothing bad... promise!" With that everyone's faces changed from sad and full of pity and sympathy to confusion and shock.

I took Andrews hand and smiled at him softly, he smiled back and then faced everyone, “Andrew and I are having babies!"

"Well duh we knew that! You wouldn't be pregnant otherwise!" Sean stated very 'smartly'. Everyone stared at him, hoping that he would realise what we were talking about... he didn't get it!

My mum placed a hand on his shoulder softly, "Sean hunny, they are having more than one baby."

"Ohh." He said simply and crossed his arms and tried sinking into the sofa a bit more to try and escape the embarrassment.

I shook my head and laughed, "Don't worry Sean. Twins... we're having twins!" Everyone cheered and hugged each other in happiness. When each person calmed down they came over to me and Andrew and hugged us or did a manly handshake or whatever they 'try' and do.

"Oh sis I'm so happy for you. I'll always be here for you, you know that." I nodded and hugged David again, when he walked to Andrew I knew he made some sort of threat but after that they hugged. Andrew didn't take the threats that seriously because he knew David was just being a brother.

When my mum came to me she was crying but you could tell they were happy tears, "I'm going to be a grandma for two! Oh darling I'm so proud of you, you’re going to be a great mother even though you won't get any sleep when they arrive!" I laughed with her and let her get all the hugging out of her system.

It was my dad that got her off of me. He came over and rubbed her arms until she let go, when she walked away my dad brought me into a hug and kissed the top of my head, "Oh angel you are going to be brilliant and don't ever stop thinking that! These two are going to look up at you and they will adore the beautiful, kind, loving mother they have. I'm proud of you sweetheart and I'm so sorry for behaving so badly when you first told us, I never knew it would make you smile this brightly. I might never say this again but... I was wrong!"

I gasped, "No way! The almighty dad just said he was wrong, where’s the video camera when you need it!" He laughed with me and scuffed my hair; I patted it down and smiled at him hugging him once again.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too princess." He said and kissed my head again before he made his way to say his congratulations to Andrew.

Once people said there blessings, all of them left to give Andrew and I some peace and quiet for ourselves. We collapsed onto the sofa and let out a huge sigh of happiness. I took out the picture of my beautiful babies and just gazed at it, then I realised that we needed to think of more names just in case.

"Andrew, we need more names. Have you got any ideas?" I said cuddling up to him. He thought for a second before he smiled.

"How about Ruth?"

I stared at him, "Are you serious?" He smirked a response.

"How about Patricia?"

"Andrew, I'm not giving birth to an eighty year old!" I giggled and he laughed along with me.

"Alright, alright. I’ve always like the name Amelia for a girl." He said. I thought about it for a second, Amelia is a really nice name.

"Amelia and Cassie. I like them. Alright, what about if we have another boy?"

"Well I like the name Nathan. What do you like?" Aww that's a really sweet name, I wouldn't mind calling my baby boy that.

"I think that's a lovely name. Ok so Amelia and Cassie for two girls and Nathan and Carson for two boys. I've been thinking, I don't think we should have Carson and Cassie if the babies are one boy one girl." I said, I only think that as I want my babies to be classed as individuals not as the twins with the same letter names.

Andrew nodded, "Yeah that's a good idea. How about Cassie and Nathan then, I know you really liked the name Cassie." I smiled, that's perfect. All we need to wait for now is the next scan so I can know if I'm having two gorgeous girls, two handsome boys or one of each. I can’t wait till the scan, I'm so excited now!

Andrew and I smiled at each other softly before we leaned in and kissed each other of the lips. I love him so much and I love what his creations are doing to me, we are going to be a happy family I know it!


I'm so sorry that it's short, I just wanted to upload something. Please excuse the rubbishness of this chapter, it's a filler chapter as I had no idea what to write. Please tell me what you think of the story!

Thanks for all the support... I can't believe this story has reached 10,000 reads! THANK YOU!!!!

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