Barely A Mother - Chapter Five

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Banner of Jody made by RandomFruitLoop >>>>


Chapter Five



“Jody you’re here!” Exclaimed Grace as ran over to Jody and started to hug her tightly… she was so excited today!

“Hey! Happy birthday, Grace!” Jody said while passing over Grace’s birthday present.

Grace shrieked at the present and then skipped over to the where all her other presents were and placed it in the pile, gently. She always acts like a little kid when presents and birthdays are involved.

“Hey J, need a hand with all that?” I asked when I realised she was carrying so much stuff which was slowly slipping out her hands. I saw Grace realise as well and she rushed over and took pretty much everything and placed it in the tent that we were sleeping in tonight. Grace is so funny when she’s excited!

“Haha thanks Grace. Hey come on let’s dance!” Jody said taking hold of both our hands and dragged us into the area in front of Grace’s iPod. Jody bent down and scrolled through all the music, I knew she found the perfect song when she slowly stood back up and turned round to face us. Once we heard the start of Pink’s ‘Raise Your Glass’, we all screamed “I love this song!” and started to dance like freaks.

An hour or so later we were exhausted from all the manic dancing and we decided to sit down and let Grace finally open all her presents. She started with the presents and cards from her family; she got a new phone, some bath stuff, lots of jewellery and make up and some money. She then went on to open mine and Jody’s presents. She opened Jody’s first and shrieked and gave Jody an awkward sideways hug. Jody got her a bag that looked handmade and inside was adoption form for a penguin called Fuzzy, the picture was adorable. She shrieked again when she opened the present I got her. I got her a handmade collage of lots of different pictures of her into one massive picture of her, I also got her a pretty little jewellery box which is pretty handy as she got lots of jewellery today.

“Oh. My. God. Thank you guys!” Grace said starting to tear up. She then gave me and Jody and three way hug. I loved when she was happy.

Grace’s mum and her little brother Billy then came outside carrying a beautifully decorated birthday cake with fancy icing writing saying ‘Happy 17th Birthday Grace xx’. Cathy started singing happy birthday and the rest of us joined in.

Once Grace blew out her candles she made her wish, which she took her time making, like she normally does on her birthday. Then Cathy went back inside and brought out the rest of the food for our late dinner and then went back inside to go to bed.

There was so much nice food and I had a fair amount of food but sitting across from me was Jody who was sat there with a lot of food that she normally wouldn’t eat. She was even eating mini sausage rolls and she never has them as she absolutely hates them! Why is she eating like that?

“Hey J you got a lot of food, don’t you?” I laughed; trying to make it was a joke so she won’t get suspicious.

“Oh… umm yeah, I guess I do but I can’t help it. I don’t know why but I’ve been eating loads recently and I don’t have a clue why and I know it isn’t doing me good because in the morning I feel sick and trust me its gross.”  Wow that weird she’s kind of sounding like my older sister when she became pregnant… wait oh god she can’t be right? Right?!

“Umm Jody did you and Andrew wear umm… protection?” I asked but I needed to know.

“Yeah course! Wait… oh shit! I-I don’t think we did.” Oh I really didn’t want to hear that.

“Oh my god! You’re pregnant?!” Shouted Grace and I immediately told her to be quiet.

“Gracie be quiet please! We don’t know for certain if she is or not. Jody have you done a pregnancy test?” I asked trying to stay calm because I know Jody and she will probably go into shock if there isn’t someone talking calmly to her. I bet she hasn’t and then what are we going to do?

“N-No I haven’t. Oh dear what am I going to do?!” She panicked, just like I thought she would.

Silence took over for a minute or two before Grace came up with a fantastic solution that I didn’t think of.

“Why don’t we all go tomorrow to the chemist and get a test, there is no need to ruin a great evening by worrying about it. Okay? Come on finish eating and we’ll go watch some DVDs in the tent for a bit.” She finished with a smile and we both nodded and finished eating.

Grace is amazing!


Thanks for reading xx

I've decided that every so often I will do a chapter that is in someone elses point of view. Tell me what you think, I'd love to know!

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