Barely A Mother - Chapter Twenty-eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight


My life is too good so far. You wouldn’t have guessed that eight months ago I would be pregnant; have Andrew Marks as my boyfriend; and be engaged to him as well! My life is moving so fast but I can’t complain as I love it.

When I was younger I have never really seemed to fit in with everyone. I’m pretty but much more mature than everyone else that was in my grade and to be honest it has always carried on from there. I met Dawn and Grace and anybody else that I had as friends seemed to be too childish and didn’t like being round me so they decided they wouldn’t be.

That’s why I’m the nerdy girl at school because that was what I got labelled as. It’s annoying because recently I’ve got more confident in myself to know that I’m not ugly as I thought and that I shouldn’t have put up with all the verbal abuse I got about being ‘nerdy’ which degraded my confidence so much.

That’s why I’m thankful that I have Andrew because he was the reason why I have realised that I shouldn’t put up with this. I know we haven’t been together that long but he is my world!

My birthday last month was the best I’ve ever had! The next day Andrew planned all these romantic things like when I woke up in the morning there were a trail of flowers that led around the house, I soon found a scrapbook with a picture of him and me on the front cover. Inside there were all these pictures of us together, scans, receipts from restaurants that we have been too on dates, and loads of other bits and pieces that relate to something we have done to together. I sat down for ages looking through it time and time again until I knew everything that was inside. He also took me to the beach and we spent the rest of the day there walking down the beach, hand in hand. I felt like I was in heaven!

Since then he keeps on posting messages through my door, some just said ‘I love you’ but then there was this really sweet one which said ‘I’m the luckiest man alive to have you as my own’. I nearly melted when I read that.

We’ve also been to the doctors for some check-ups as I am nearly eight months pregnant… only a month or so left! I’m so excited!

However being nearly eight months pregnant has its draw backs. I’m constantly tired; my back kills; I feel fat; I eat the most weirdest foods; I waddle like a penguin and I keep on getting laughed at… even by Andrew. I’m not feeling the best at the moment but hopefully it will all be worth it... let me rephrase that; it will be worth it in the end!

Today I’m going to go into school after not being in for a week due to the fact that I’m getting closer to my due date and so I’m not going to school every day apart from Fridays. I’ve prepared myself for what I’m going to do today. After a few months of knowing I was having twins, today I was going to tell the school and that means staff and students. I don't know why I'm telling them but I just felt they should know. Because then I might at least get less hassle for being absolutely huge!

I hope people don't react badly because even though I'm massive some people don't know for sure if I'm pregnant as there has been so many rumours and I've been wearing the baggiest clothing I could find. I'm only really doing it because I'm fed up with people coming up to me on the days I’m in and asking if I was actually pregnant. Hopefully people will listen!

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