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Preston^^ *dies*
-one week skip-
I met two friends! Theo is insane, but we are already very close. Also, there's also Preston, omigosh he's soo dreamy. I think I like him. A lot.
Sounds of a spatula hitting a pan flowed into Rosie's ears as she took out her purple earphones and put her journal on the counter.

"Thanks again for breakfast Aunt E," Rosie said with a small smile, remembering her encounter with her lab partner yesterday.

"What projects do you want to do?" Preston asked Rosie as she stared at the list intently. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly and pressed her lips into a thin line.

Rosie gathered her thoughts together and nodded in content.

"I'd like to do an experiment with plants or chemicals, you?" Rosie looked up from her paper and into his dark brown eyes.

But he simply only looked at her, as if deep into thought, perhaps even a daydream.

"Hello? Preston?" Rosie tilted her head and lines between her eyebrows increased.

He suddenly jolted slightly, and his face was flushed. "Sorry, I guess I was distracted."

"By what?" Rosie turned around, looking for the event catching her partner's eye.

"Your beauty," He said, absolutely since and full of honesty. 

"Hey!" Edyth waved her hand in front of Rosie's face.

"Wh-what?" Rosie looked up at her aunt confused, her face was slightly scrunched up.

"I asked you, have you met any friends at school?" Edyth gave two pancakes to Rosie, and two to herself.

"Um, Yes. Theo and um..." Rosie said whilst tucking her long blonde hair behind her ears. A light blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh, I get it now. So, who's the boy?" Edyth raised her eyebrows expectantly as she said down, cutting her own pancakes. Her brown bob was braided on top of her head while the remaining hair barely reached below her ears.

"His name is Preston, and even though I've just met him, it feels like I've known him for years," Rosie lets out a deep breath as if she'd been holding it in for a while. Even though she's been writing in her journal, there's something about saying what's on your mind out loud.

"Did you say 'Preston'? What's his last name?" Edyth's breath hitched and her face was etched with horror, only confusing Rosie. Edyth wasn't surprised about her teen daze about love, but who her love/interest was.

"Um, Conway I think? Why?" Rosie put a piece of pancake in her mouth as her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Oh dear lord. Oh dear lord," Edyth said as she stood up and paced around their small kitchen. Thoughts raced through Rosie's mind.

Does she know him?

What's wrong?

Is Aunt Edyth okay?


To say Rosie was obsessed with Preston was an understatement.

"Oh, um. Never mind. I just thought I knew the name." Edyth blinked, shook her head, and blew it off like her expressions were nothing. But Rosie was still skeptical but nodded her head nonetheless.

"Are you sure...?" Rosie wasn't too content with how Edyth answered

"Y-yea, I gotta go make a phone call," Edyth left the room in a rush, and Rosie just couldn't help it, and followed her.

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