Chapter 7

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AN: i got a question on the setting they are in the woods on a dirt path by a lake anywyas there is a lot of blood in this chapter i will warn you so dont complain about not knowing! oh and her sword is a katana btw

_______________________________________________________________________"Chidori!" suddenly sasukes hand was cover in blue elictricity and he started running at zabuza go sasuke!

"flame dragon dance of death!" me and my dragon moved as one me with my swords her with her fangs sasuke hit zabuza with his chidori but ok on his leg a bit causeing more blood to splatter the ground but zabuza didnt even flinch "sasuke move!" i screamed which he did i ran faster towrds zabuza but only to be blown back by a wall of water causing my drazon to go out "damn it!" i cursed getting up ok then lets try a new one shall we? i can do this all day! i moved the hair off my eye causing sakura to gasp oh shut up! i ativated my kekkei genkei "secret of the tanaka!" i screamed this time a real live dragon showed up i hopped on her back "ready for a fight obsidia?" she roared in response

"arent i always?" she replied

"good cause this is the guy who killed my clan!"

"then lets kill him!" she flew up into the sky and swung her spiked tail at zabuza who blocked it with his sword jeez i hate that thing its so annoying! i looked down to see kakashi's sharigan showing and sasuke's too naruto had the nine tail power activated and sakura well she was just standing there fan girling over sasuke blarg i really hate those types of girls!

"lets go dance of death all elements!" we charged at zabuza again this time we hit his chest only knocking the air out of him though "again!" i yelled this time i threw my katana at him still charged with chakra it peirced through his arm causing him to scream ow my ears jeez he screams like a girl almost like i imagine sakura screaming "obsidia im getting off to fight him personally watch for others from the sky!"

"yes ma'am" she said as i jumped off landing right next to sasuke

"hey do you have anyway of distracting him while i cut off his chakra?" i whispered to him

"i can try" thenhe ran off towards zabuza and him punched him right in the face well then that works to i was thinking more of a jutsu but ok i stared at zabuza cause he was running after sasuke with my katana still in his leg i couldnt help but chuckle it looked so funny! i shook my head right consantrate! "i cant escape this hell so many times ive tried but im still caged inside somebody get me through this nightmare! i cant control myself so what if you can the darker side of me no one will every change instead of the riot will become!" i sang again kakashi reconnising the song nodded at me and helped distract zabuza by kicking him in his area ok that had to hurt! i charged at zabuza from behind and i started dancing around him jabbing his chakra point really fast and with the last touch he collapsed staring at me "oh is that fear i see in the little bunny's eyes?" i gave him a mock sad face and got my katana out of his leg causing blood to pool around his leg "if you dont like blood id advise looking away right about now!" i yelled as a drove my sword through his heart and know what i dont feel bad about it one little murder is nothing compared to what he did

i used to much chakra even for my level of power i could stay consious any longer and i passed out

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