Chapter 12

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AN: i am sorry this one is a bit long





oh no not this again! i think as i crack my eyes open to see who is assulting me so early as i predicted it was hatsuki but wait it is still dark out and she looks upset! i instantly got up when i saw she was crying "hatsuki whats wrong?! why are you crying?! are you hurt?! sick?!" she shoke her head no

"sasuke do you think anyone else survived from my clan?" her voice was harsh like she has been crying for hours 

"its possible but i dont know what brought this up all of a sudden?"

"i had a really bad dream well it was more of a memory of the night my clan was murdered all the blood and screams we couldnt fight back that night it was the one night a year we cant use our chakra and our weapons get locked up its our night of peace but it turned out to be our down fall its just not hit me i may be the only surviver i know i dont show it but im lonely and feel unnoticed thats why i act out so much"

"you are far from alone and defiently noticed by everyone around you, and i know how you feel some what but i still have my brother but i want him dead and i dont count him as a part of the clan anymore he lost that right and you have every right to be upset but no more tonight ok?" she nodded in response but she was still crying so i did something i have never done i hugged her and not just a quick squeeze and let go no i held her close to me i soon found myself stroking her hair trying to calm her down cause she started crying harder i decided to let her cry it out "sssshhhhhh it will be alright i promise" i cooed soon she started calming down but i still held her i didnt let go all night we fell asleep like that. i dont remember falling asleep all i know is that now its eight in the morning and we are being told to get ready to go do some training jeez just like last time i could tell hatsuki was weak after last night and her eyes were still really red and swollen. at breakfast she didnt eat her food just oushed it around her plate not once taking a bite im so worried about her but i dont know what to do to help but hold her and tell her it will be alright which we both know that it will take a very long time for her to be happy again but i made a promise to myself as soon as we got back home im gonna take her somewhere really fun and ill take her out to eat and she'll have a great time! i wont let her be upset anymore 

"hey hatsuki why do you look like crap?" naruto blurted out i ran over to him and punched him in the head hard and found out so did sakura when i looked up hatsuki was gone and i think i know where she is and what she is doing 

"naruto you never say that to a girl couldnt you tell she was upset and you just made it worse you baka!" i yelled and ran out the door trying to find hatsuki this is her first time in this village so i figured she would be wandering through the village looking for somewhere she could be alone so i went around town asking if anyone had seen her until

"yeah i saw her going into the woods over there she looked pretty upset hope you find her soon" said a flower shop owner "hey wanna bring her some flowers? ill give them to you for free since i think she could use something to help her smile again"

"i think ill take some but i insist on paying" i say pulling out my money and buying her a bouquet of roses and lillies they were really pretty i just hoped she liked them then i ran into to woods were the guy said he saw her go

"My face against the window pane

A tear for every drop of rain

I am so lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had

My face against the window pane

A tear for every drop of rain

I'm living like already I have died

Have died

Emptiness a present past

A silent scream to shatter glass

I have to go; it's time for me to fly

I am so lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had

(Wake me with your kiss)

Who will care if I'm not here?

If suddenly I disappeared?

No one's gonna notice it at all

Dying flowers in my hand

I'm vanishing from where I stand

It isn't yet too late to get the truth

I am so lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had

So lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had

I am so lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had

So lonely and so sad

You're the reason that I'm feeling bad

I am so lonely and so sad

Living in a dream I've never had" i heard her before i saw her i could hear her voice shaking i had to get to her and fast! i soon saw her sitting high up in a tree i jumped up to sit with her

"here i got you these" i said handing her the flowers

"thank you i love roses and lillies" she said wiping her tears "thanks for always being here for me even though you dont need to" and that was the first time i saw her smile as in a real smile not a fake one covering the sadness she felt but geniuine happiness i promised myself thats the only kind of smile i would ever see from her again.

AN: that song is so alone by anna blue again i do not own it!

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