Chapter 11

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Before I could even turn around, a loud wail pierced the air. Expecting it to be the little boy, I was surprised to see that it came from the princess- that term was going to take some getting used to. She shared similar features as her two brothers. They all had that unforgettable shade of golden hair and perceptive eyes. Although Damien had dark blue sapphire colored eyes, his siblings had eyes like emeralds. They had the most resplendent green eyes.

After her little tantrum finished, I asked her, "Why did you scream?"

She gave me a haughty look- reminding me of a certain pretty boy. "I did not scream. I just got your attention. I want you to let me into the ball or I'll have you fired."

At this, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. How could such a young pretty child act so... well demanding and self-centered? "I don't mean to be rude," I said sobering up after looking at her scowling face. "But I don't work for you or anyone for that matter. So basically, kid, you're stuck with me."

The poor girl was dumbfounded. She seemed unsure of how to proceed. It's as if no one has ever treated her like a normal child. Most likely, that was the case. I softened up a bit after considering her upbringing. It wasn't completely her fault she was this way.

"Daphne, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you, but I have to watch you okay. Maybe, and I mean maybe, if you act well this evening, I'll let you into the ballroom. Under my supervision of course." I added hastily.

A giant grin filled with excitement spread across her face. "Do you really mean it?" She asked, her eyes imploring.

How could I say no to those wide eyes? So instead I replied, "Of course! how else will you be able to meet someone who can sweep you off your feet?" I joked and quickly picked her up and spun her around. She gasped and giggled at the sudden movement. I put her down just as I saw the littlest prince eyeing us jealously as he stood staring at us from the corner of the grand room. Not wanting him to feel left out, I extended my hand- inviting him to join us. Slowly, he edged his way towards us. Daphne's eyes widened. Odd. Before I could ask her why, the little boy had reached us. I reached down and picked him up and spun him just I had Daphne. He laughed with such mirth, it seemed as if he had never been spun around. Again, they probably never had been. How dreary to have such an existence.

"What's your name?" I asked softly.

He only hesitated briefly before responding, "Samuel."

What a strange name for a child. Kneeling down to eye level, I asked him "Can I call you Sam? Or Sammy?"

He looked at me, considering my words. "I... I like Sammy. No one's ever called me that." He said, a small dimple forming on his chin as a shy grin appeared.

I smiled back at him, and turned to face the little girl. "What do you guys want to do?" They just stood there, unsure of what to say. The song paradise by cold play was penetrating the room. It gave me an idea. "How about a story?"

Their eager little faces were enough of an answer. We walked over to some plushy red seats and plopped down.

"Once upon a time, there were two siblings, a princess and a prince. They went by the names of Daphne and Sammy." I began. As I was saying this, I was lifting my hand and creating an image with my magic. It was't quite TV HD resolution, but with its frayed edges, it would do. "And one day, they came upon an evil dragon who terrorized their town. This dragon was..." I waited for them to describe it, not wanting them to lose their sense of imagination.

"Red and scaly!" shouted Sammy.

"Polka dotted and fat!" yelled Daphne.

Sure enough, as I pictured the red, polka dotted, fat, and scaly reptile, the kids laughed loudly at our creation appearing in my air picture. It was enough to make even me chuckle.

A surprised gasp shocked me out of my reverie. Distracted, since I had been unaware of the presence in the room, my magic faltered. Standing by the giant entrance, the prince and the mystery hottie (gosh I needed to learn his name) stood staring incredulously at me.

Suddenly remembering my purpose, I stood up and paced towards them. "Damien, I need to speak with you." I pleaded urgently.

"Do I know you?" he questioned. Both of them recomposed themselves. They were cool as ice again. Great.

"Oh, I doubt you would forget our encounter so quickly prince." I said, annoyance laced with sarcasm dripping off my every word. He scowled, and I knew this was just part of his facade. "You may remember my red haired friend and I from the movies." I reminded him dryly.

"Oh. That was you." He said in an amused tone. "I must've mistaken you for one of my servants."

My jaw dropped. How dare he! "You know exactly who I am! And if it wasn't because of you, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!" I practically screeched.

His smile wavered. Ha! Now he listened. "I don't know what you're babbling about." He stated coolly.

Calming myself down, I said as simply as I could, "Your 'portal' transported us here, and we need to get back home. Please, just help us."

He was at loss for words until he finally said, "I can't. creating such a portal takes time and energy- of which I can spare neither of."

Horrified, my eyes widened and I staggered back. "Please." I whispered. this couldn't be happening. He just shook his head. Panicking, I turned quickly to face his 'guard' as he had said before. Which was strange considering he was only two years older than him. He stepped forward, and he placed a hand on my upper arm in a soothing gesture.

"Don't worry. The prince will help you. However, such a request is not one he would do without recompinsation." He said rolling his eyes at the prince who only smirked.

"I... I don't have any money." I said deflated, my arms hanging limply at the sides of my black dress. Mystery hottie seemed to remember his hand was still holding my arm and dropped it. My eyes shot up to his. I swear, I could get lost in that sea of crystal. Gah! What was I thinking.

I looked away quickly, only to notice a small hand pulling at my dress. I picked up the small boy. He stared at me and begged, "Don't leave."

My heart was breaking. His little face was making me feel guilty even though I barely met him. I didn't know what to say, so I slowly put him back down.

I returned my gaze to the attractive males in front of me, a lopsided grin playing at my lips. "I do believe we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Zamirah, and you are?" Seeing that I could do nothing to help my situation, I decided I could just play it off.

Damien looked skeptical, but his guard grinned playing along. "It's nice to meet you young Zamirah. My name is Zayden." My heart fluttered when he said my name, but my eyes narrowed at his cleverly disguised taunt.

I couldn't help myself, I laughed. "Yes, four years difference makes me so young." I said sarcastically.

His eyes glittered as he said, "Daphne is three years younger than you. Would you not consider her young?"

"That's different! She's a child!" there was an annoyed groan from said child so I quickly corrected myself. "Preteen. I meant preteen. Besides, you're not that old. I'm probably much more mature than you'll ever be." I teased.

Before he could retort, a palm was held in front of me. At first I was going to high five it- stupid I know. I gently placed my hand in Damien's and he said in a sultry proper voice, "Hello, Zamirah. I see you've already met my royal guard. I'm Prince Damien." He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat. He let go of my hand, and I let out a breath, unaware that I had been holding it. "As you are in need of my assistance," he shot a glare at Zayden, "I will help you return home if you take care of my siblings while one of her caretakers is on maternity leave."

"Oh my god! Yes! I mean... Thank you, both of you. You won't regret it." Damien seemed peeved at sharing the credit yet said nothing. He nodded at Zayden and motioned for him to follow. They ambled into the ballroom and left me and the kids. I wasn't the only one who was excited for we all shared goofy toothy grins.

If you made it this far, please vote. And don't think the main character's a push over. There's more to come. ;)

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