Your POV
After running from the cops we had all fell asleep and I woke up and I was in a room with a girl that looks NO SERENITY (pic at the top) DIED HOW IS SHE HERE? "S-serenity? Is that you?" I asked crying and she turned to me and when she saw me she gasped "d-dessy?" She asked crying "Y-yea it's me" I said while sobbing we ran and hugged and fell to our knees sobbing "are you ok?" She asked me "now that I'm with you ya" I said and she wiped away my tears "how are you here dad....drowned you" I asked crying again "I don't know i think I'm in your dreams wait hold onto my hand ok?" She asked and I nodded and I woke up and saw serenity holding my hand "SERENITY YOUR HERE I'VE MISSED YOU" I yelled and hugged her and she hugged back and my yelling woke jeff and ben up "destiny who's that?" Jeff asked "t-this is serenity my older sister" I said and she got up and said "you must be jeff" "yea how'd ya know?" Jeff asked "dessy talked the world about you" serenity said and Jeff looked at me and hugged serenity and serenity hugged back "thank you for tacking care of destiny as much as you could" jeff said "i didn't do anything I only helped for a limited time since my death" serenity said and I got up and hugged the both of them and they hugged back and then I got tapped on the shoulder I looked down and saw sally "oh sese I want you to meet my little sister sally , sally this is my big sister serenity " I said and serenity hugged sally and Sally did to and she put sally down "oh and sese this is my boyfriend ben, ben this is serenity " I say as I grab ben and push him in front of serenity and she hugged him and he hugged back "promise to treat my sister right I don't want it to be like last time" serenity said and ben nodded and then slendy came in "dad this is my sister serenity" I said and he hugged her and she hugged back "call me dad ok? Your safe here and this is your new family " and she nodded and I grabbed her hand and introduce her to my amazing family and everyone loved her especially lost silver my OTP for sure and I pulled her on the couch and we caught up with each other and I showed her to her room and we just hung with silver , jeff and ben the whole day

ben drowned x neko reader
FanfictionSo you and ben how will it go? Will there be heartbreaking? Find out in ben drowned x reader Hey guys its toxins here and I wanted to do a story about ben so here ya go ben drowned x reader!!