So you and ben how will it go? Will there be heartbreaking? Find out in ben drowned x reader
Hey guys its toxins here and I wanted to do a story about ben so here ya go ben drowned x reader!!
It's about 12:00 pm and I'm gonna sneak out my window and go change my style to make myself beautiful since I'm obviously not good enough for ben so here it goes I jumped out my window and run to town and go shopping and got my friend, siren who is a vampire, to bite me so I turned into a vampire and I did and I got changed into my new out fit (pic at the top) and went home to see everyone in the kitchen talking about me "yo im home" I say as I kick the door with my black combat boots "dessy? Is that you?" Jeff said "sure is big bro you like the new and improved me?" I asked and he hesitantly nodded "yo E.J I want one of your kidneys please, I'm hungy" I say with a slight giggle and he handed me one and I bit it and sucked out all the blood and through it on the ground "ahh that was tasty" I said while giggling "dessy are you a vampire? " lui asked and I showed him my fangs "bingo" I said and walked and sat down and put my feet on the table and lent back on my chair "this isn't about ben is it?" Jeff asked and I giggled and said "no well a little I was obviously not good enough so I went and changed a few things to make myself happy and I love my new look and attitude " I said with a giggle at the end and I grabbed a kidney and sucked the blood out again and through it at someone by accident and I looked and saw I through it at nina and I growled with my eyes going bright yellow and I flicked my hair and ignored her completely like she didn't even exist and I picked up my phone and put in my headphones and listened to monster by skillet and started to sing while I walked upstairs to my room and heard a knock "WHAT DO YOU WANT? AND WHO IS IT?" I yelled "IT'S BEN" the voice shouted back and I stomped over to the door, opened it and hissed "what do you want I'm busy huh now why does that sound so familiar? " I asked angrily "look I'm sorry why did you change your were perfect before" He said and I hissed again "I look beyond perfect now in my opinion i was weak back then but now I'm stronger with the added strength I have and I don't except the apology so bu-bye" and I shut the door and I heard "oh destiny what have I done?" And I hissed again and walked out of my room and past ben and sat on the couch and next to clocky "yo im happy to see you" I said while hugging her and she hugged back "you look drop dead gorgeous as a vampire " she said "why thank you you look gorgeous as always" I say with a giggle and we sat and talked for ages until I start feeling hungry "I'll be back in a bit I'm hungry" I say and she said "wanna come on a mission with me? I'll let you eat whatever you want to" she asked and I gladly accept and walked to the house and we went in clocky stabbed the parents and I killed the kids and drank the whole family's blood and after I burped and clocky broke out laughing until we heard sirens and we dashed out the window and back to the mansion and I kicked the door open and walked to the couch and I didn't notice the blood on the side of my mouth until jeff came over and wiped it off and he hugged me and I hugged back "are you mad at me for changing? I know Jane is" I say sadly and he said "no I'm not mad at you I'm mad at ben" He said and suddenly the door slammed open and I saw serenity as a vampire
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"Your a vampire to?!!" I asked in amazement and she nodded "you hungry? I brought back a dead victim if ya want it" I said and she nodded and I through her the the bag and she opened it and started to dink the blood and then silver came down and started to stare and his mouth dropped and serenity looked up and blushed as red as the blood on her mouth and I giggled and was about to walk away but tripped and fell i was waiting for the impact but I didn't I opened my eyes and saw that ben had caught me and I stood up and said "thanks you really saved my fangs back there" and he hugged me and I slowly hugged back until I felt a sting in my cheek I looked up and saw that nina had slapped me so I pushed ben out the way and jumped on nina pinning her down and I pushed out my iron claws and stuck it in her chest and she Let out a ear splitting scream and I ripped her heart out and she died almost in and instant and I bit the heart and sucked all the blood out until ben grabbed my waist and saw the blood on my lips and kissed me and I slowly melted into the kiss and he pulled away and said "I'm so sorry for cheating on you I'll never do it again will you please take me back?" "You get one more chance" I said and giggled and he hugged me and I hugged back