So you and ben how will it go? Will there be heartbreaking? Find out in ben drowned x reader
Hey guys its toxins here and I wanted to do a story about ben so here ya go ben drowned x reader!!
i woke up to unbairable pain and i started to form massive black angel wings and my hair started to grow longer and go blond and different things on me
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and i hurt so i screamed and ben woke up and saw what was happening to me and backed away so now that my wings formed i ran to the window and jumped and i flew to the lake near by and looked into the water to see my new look and i started crying but i heard a growl and i looked further into the lake and saw a dragon (pic at the top but a lot bigger) being attacked so i flew over at max speed with my knife and killed them all in one swoop and flew to the ground and went to the dragon and it backed up and i put my hand out and said "shhhhh im not gonna hurt you buddie" and the dragon put his head on my hand "hi bud my name is destiny but you can call me my real name thorn" i said "greetings thorn my name is malachite the snow dragon" he replyed "i guess you can use telepathy" i said and he nodded and i saw he had a sadle and he looked back at it and then me "you want a ride?" he asked and i said "would you mind?" i asked "i dont mind you are my ridern now and that bond doesnt die" he said and i walked up and hugged him and he hugged back and i walked round to the sadle and jumped on and he lifted into the air and we flew higher than the clouds and i laughed and let the rains go and put my hands in the air and malachite chuckled and he said through telepathy "you can call me mally" and i nodded and said "thank you mally im glad i met you" "same to you thorn" and after about an hour of flying we landed close to the mantion "mally can you turn small?" i asked and he shrinked so i could fit him in a bag "awwww your so cute mally" i squeeled and i picked him up and hugged him then put him in my bag and went into the mantion and back to mine and bens room and sat on the bed and was about to take mally out the bag when ben came in and i said to mally who he was "oh hey" i said coldly to him "whats the matter? you seem angry" he said "i am you backed away in fear when i was changing and dont you dare say you wernt scared i saw it in your eyes" i say tearing up "no no no no no im not afraid of you it just scared me" he said "EXACTLY I SCARED YOU! MALLY" i screamed and he flew out my bag and went a bit bigger and he curled around me and i felt safe thats when i heard ben yell "DESTINY GET AWAY FROM IT, IT WILL KILL YOU" and that was it i screamed "BEN HES MY PET NO MY PROTECTER HE WONT HURT ME" and i rapped my arms around mally who was now growling at ben and he said "i have no intention in harming a single hair on thorns head but you on the other hand i might for making thorn cry" and i sniffed and told him to calm down and he did "destiny you have to choose is it me or the dragon cause im not living with that near me" ben said and i growled and said "i choose mally cause he wouldnt back away if i changed and im leaving the house ill tell slendy, jeff, lui, jane and clocky to stay in touch with me. if staying with you means loosing mally or me staying with mally means loosing you id choose mally any day a bond between dragon and rider is a bond that you cannot break" and. i got up and said "mally if you please" and he shrunk and sat on my shoulder and i grabbed a bag and packed my bag with clothes, my phone, my weapons and some bits of food and i ripped my necklace and gave it to ben and walked out to slender and he heard everything and i said "are you mad?" and he shook his head and mally popped his head out the bag and i pet his head and he popped back in my bag and i giggled and slender chuckled "tell everyone i love them dad especaily sally ill miss her a lot" i say tearing up and sally ran in and was sobbing and i picjed her up and hugged her "why are you leaving me?" she asked while sobbing "im only leaving for a couple months and im leaving because mommy and daddy got into a very big fight but ill visit all the time i promise and you have uncle jeff and auntie jane aswell as auntie clockwork and uncle lui and it breaks my heart to leave you and everyone else but i have to but you wont be lonley ill visit when i can ok? and just know that mommy loves you with all her heart and ill be back in a couple of weeks ok?" i said whike sobbing "yea i understand but ikl miss you so much" she said only just over a whisper and i kissed her head and put her down and i went to the living room and everyone was crying but ben he just looked away and everyone hugged me even sonic and dark and they were crying and after everyone said their goodbyes me and mally left and he went to his normal size and flew up to the clouds andlayed down on one and put his wing around me and we fell asleep