Are You Even Mine?

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A/N I know this is a short chapter I intended for it to be longer but I didn't want to force the story so it ended up being one page. I already have chapter three finished and sitting in my drafts so if you want more remember to comment and vote. :)

I looked down at my phone smiling. I had decided to drop Dawson all together about five times and each time Amber would give me reasons why I should keep talking to him. She was always right. he was nice, caring, and funny. The only problem was that I needed to start it all. Every conversation began with me. If I didn't say hello I wouldn't be saying anything to him at all but that was something Amber said would change if I believed in Dawson.

We didn't talk at school anymore, Margaret and the others made sure of that, but they couldn't keep me from texting him. I felt a little bad for Margaret. She had liked Dawson for so long that it must have been tearing her up inside to see him laughing with me. But if she didn't want to admit her crush I couldn't be blamed for trying to make Dawson love me. I knew that Brooklyn liked him but I also knew that she'd get over him soon enough. So, with my logic, we was fair game. 

I formed new habits to keep Dawson interested. Drawing cute things on his stuff, stealing his pens and pencils, and passing him notes. I always asked before I took anything but he always allowed me and it brought us together. At least, I thought it had brought us together. 

Dawson's replies got shorter and shorter until there were any replies from him at all. I was so confused. We went from flirting to nothing in a matter of days. He even texted me first a few times when I told him I knew who liked him, I was referring to Margaret, but he wasn't even interested in that game anymore. He was as done with me as I was with him.

My first thought was to leave him and move on but Amber wouldn't let that happen. "So, how are you and Dawson?" She asked me one day when I was walking towards the other girls at lunch instead of Amber's table. I didn't even want to see his face.

"Me and Dawson are nothing, like were have always been." I said with no emotion, at that moment I actually wanted to have to sit through the Varsity jocks debate over whose sport was better but Amber wouldn't let me.

She stood in front of me with a frown and barked words at me. "Tell me what happened, now! We need to fix this. You two were meant to be something together and I'm going to make that happen."

"What happened is that he stopped talking to me and I'm done making the first move all of the time. If you try to bring me over to him I promise you that my fork will end up through his tongue." I walked passed her and towards my other friends, greeting the baseball captain in the process, and sending Amber on her way.


That night Amber texted me. I wasn't in any mood to speak to her but the first name that I saw was Dawson and I ended up reading the text before I could even think about it. I talked to Dawson about you. He thinks that you spend too much time with him and that you're getting annoying.

My cheeks burned red and I threw the phone on my bed. I had asked him if everything that I was doing, I didn't actually want to make him mad, and this is what I get for it. I took a deep breath and buried myself in my work. If he didn't want to talk to me that was fine. I'd just keep on going with my life and not think about him. 

Days later I saw him alone in the always and called him over. "Hey, Dawson, come and get your shit." I took out a few pens and a history binder and threw them on the ground. I was about to leave when he pressed me against my locker.

"What's with you lately? You've been avoiding me or something." He asked with a confused look on his face. I almost believed him until I remembered that boys were excellent liars.

"Nothing aside from the fact that I'm clingy and annoying." I spat back at him and made a move to walk around him.

"What are you talking about."

"Amber told me what you said, Dawson. Now let me get back to class you pompous asshole." I growled at him. 

He removed his arm, too stunned to keep it there, and watched me as I walked away. My class was around the corner and he knew that so he couldn't follow me. He yelled down the hall instead, "That wasn't what I said." 

I forgot about Dawson and ignored Amber's texts for a week. If he wanted to play games he could all he wanted but I wouldn't participate. Nothing was fun when you were doing it alone and I wanted him to learn that. The moment he was going to be straightforward, when he'd make me feel like he wanted to talk to me, was the day that I'd start talking to him. I wouldn't let Amber push my into it anymore.


The next day I walked into class and Margaret gave me her first real hug in months. "Hey bestie!" She chimed as I sat down. I gave Brooklyn a confused look and she shrugged before looking at a table of math geniuses with their heads buried in books. Faith was playing with a rubber band and was probably oblivious to the whole situation. "So, you and Dawson don't seem to be as close anymore."

I nodded to her and my confusion lifted. She was happy because I wasn't getting in the way of her crush. It felt weird to have someone think of me as a threat. I was honored to be feared but it was sad because Margaret was my best friend.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and the teacher was late, like she frequently was. I pulled it out to check it. It was Amber. Dawson just spent the whole class yelling at me for turning you away. Apparently he didn't mean it like that. He was a little bothered by you taking his things but he didn't care that much and he was annoyed by the rest of our friends always hanging around you. 

I sighed happily reading the message until I realised I had a decision to make. Make the first move, as usual, and apologize for over-reacting or wait for him to make the first move out of principal. I decided to go eat lunch with Amber and see what would come of it. That way I could look like I'm trying but he'd still have to put in some work.

I was greeted by the chess players immediately before they looked back on to their game. I sat next to Amber and was immediately pulled towards the boy's side by Dawson. He gave me a cute smile and apologized for not being honest. I was seconds away from answering when an It Girl wanna-bee walked over to our table. I would never forget her words.

"Hey, Dawson, how's your girlfriend?"

Behind Closed Doors- By 'Celeste'Where stories live. Discover now