Baekyeol 1

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“Do the EXO members have any talents?”

Chanyeol internally rolled his eyes at this particular question. The same question would be asked at practically every single variety or radio show and the exact same members will answer with the exact same talents just as enthusiastically as they did for all the previous ones.

It was a vicious cycle, but it was also a comfortable one.

He counted down in his head.

3          2          1.

Baekhyun’s hand shot up. “I can do an impression.”

The members all eased in their seats, happy to avoid showcasing their various and somewhat embarrassing talents. Baekhyun’s motorbike impression was something they all enjoyed anyway. It was also considered a group effort.

“Oh?” the MC questioned. “What kind of impression is this?”

Chanyeol’s smile never faltered. Inside, however, he was shaking his head—becausehowcould this MCnotknow what type of impression Baekhyun was famous for? Maybe she was lying to seem polite and interested.

Baekhyun just smiled at her beautifully, “I can do a motorbike impression.”

The members all made eager noises of agreement. “He’s really impressive,” Junmyun said, never failing to give his members a boost and show that he was a loving and supportive leader.

Baekhyun was passed a microphone and he cleared his throat. Chanyeol had found himself drawn to Baekhyun’s lips as the latter licked them in preparation for his act.


When the group had wrapped up the show, they tiredly but diligently bowed to all of the staff. After thanking them, they all filed into the two vans parked outside the recording studio. By strong chance, Chanyeol found himself seated next to Baekhyun.

On the way to the dorms, the van was mercifully quiet. But Baekhyun’s motorbike impression was ringing in Chanyeol’s ears and the taller man grit his teeth in frustration. Tired from schedule, with an up and coming headache, Chanyeol grew irritated as the sound seemed to increase in volume within his head.

Before he could stop himself, he whispered angrily at Baekhyun, “Don’t you have any other talents? That motorbike impression is getting old and annoying.”

Baekhyun was unfazed and looked back at him coolly. “At least I actually have talents, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun didn’t mean to be bitchy, just like how he didn’t mean to snap at him. But what Baekhyun had said hit a little too close to home as memories of his trainee days flashed behind his eyelids. The words ‘useless’ and ‘talentless’ seared through his mind and he gritted his teeth.

He turned his head to stare out the window and muttered softly to himself, “I’m not talentless.” He didn’t talk to anyone until they reached their dorms.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun would usually fight, but then make up the next day. Depending on their schedule, the making up part could just be rounds upon rounds of heated sex.

Baekhyun didn’t seem affected by Chanyeol’s dislike for his motorbike impression and Chanyeol took what his small boyfriend said in stride, getting over the stinging words.

Or, he thought he had gotten over them.


The words flashed through Chanyeol’s mind a few days later, as a naked and sweaty Baekhyun sat atop his face, trying to grind his way to pleasure-filled completion. Chanyeol had his nose just underneath his boyfriend’s balls and his tongue situated between soft ass cheeks. He stiffened the muscle and attempted to jab it at Baekhyun’s hole. The latter let out a high keening sound.

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