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Don’t you think you’re over exaggerating just a little?”

“No way. He is definitely not a force to be reckoned with.” Yixing tells him with much seriousness and Luhan has a hard time debating on whether he should laugh or face palm at his friend’s statement.

“I don’t get why you’re all so scared of him. He seems so nice.” Luhan says genuinely.

“His stare will rip you to shreds.” Yixing shudders when he recalled the time he locked eyes with Wufan for a split second.

“I wish you knew how silly you sound right now,” Luhan rolled his eyes and flicked Yixing’s forehead.


Wufan transferred to Luhan's high school two weeks ago and rumors about him spread like wildfire throughout the enormous institution. Almost everyone gossips that he has a scorpion tattoo on his upper left arm, that he's been part of a gang for the past several years, and that he was fundamentally involved in a physical encounter with another student and thrashed him so badly that to this day he's still recovering.

All these rumors about him came about because of one thing; his callous stare. He definitely looked the part of a deviant with his intense gaze.

Every student ate up these rumors and he thinks it's because they're so farfetched and thrilling that they just couldn't resist not doing so.

“Ridiculous,” Luhan mutters in annoyance to himself. After picking up his lunch in the bustling cafeteria, he walks alongside Yixing to find a couple vacant seats.

He noticed Wufan isolated from everyone else at a table in a stuffy corner.

Luhan beamed.

“Yixing, let’s sit over there.” He points to the direction of Wufan and the other male’s eyes grew wide. “Are you crazy? There’s no way I’m sitting next to that delinquent.” Yixing hissed and Luhan suddenly grabs his upper arm.

“Luhan I’m serious, stop!” he quietly begs the persistent male but now they both appeared in front of Wufan. He looks up, mouth still on his sandwich in silence. “Hi!” Luhan chirped and Wufan blinked a few times.

“Hello,” he pronounces slowly with a full mouth. Luhan found this endearing. Yixing on the other hand refused to make eye contact with him.

“Mind if we sit here?” Luhan interrogates with the same smile still evident on his face and Wufan immediately shook his head. “Not at all.” He says solemnly, at least to Luhan, and his eye smile gets bigger with each passing second.

For a few minutes, a sea of deafening silence washed over the three of them. “So,” Luhan started awkwardly, “I heard you just transferred here. How do you like it so far?” His voice was nothing short of friendly and Wufan all the while stared at Luhan with perplexity.

“It’s…okay,” His speech is slow, Luhan noted; probably out of nervousness, he thinks. Yixing doesn’t look up from his food let alone speak to either of them. According to him, he almost died after locking eyes with Wufan for a few seconds, all jokes aside.

“That’s good,” Luhan nods at his response, “have you made any new friends yet?”

Wufan was about to shake his head, but suddenly declared, “I did.”

Luhan’s mouth went agape when Wufan smiled.

It was faint, but still. He actually smiled.

Luhan has no idea how this could’ve happened.

“I like you,” Wufan declared after class one day and Luhan froze completely, unable to fully grasp the situation he’s in.

“Will you please go out with me?” Wufan sounded desperate and determined in one, and Luhan doesn’t even realize it when he shot out a curt “yes.”

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