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I was stood by the kitchen door, waiting for all the guys who were moving in our furniture to leave.

I was so excited to just jump on the brand new couches and watch some TV. I was a pretty lazy person.

Lauren was currently out looking for a job since I told her that I found one at Nike and was waiting for a call back.

"That's everything Miss Cabello, is there anything else we can do?" One of the guy asked me.

"No, thank you so much for your help!" I smiled.

"De nada." He returned the smile and left the apartment.

I had my phone in my hand and dived straight onto the couch and did exactly what I was hoping to do.

Completely nothing.

Out of nowhere, my phone started to ring so I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hola, Miss Cabello?" The person on the other line said.

"Yes, who is speaking?"

"I'm Amanda, the store manager of Nike here in Barcelona. One of my employees gave me your details. You're looking for a job am I right?" She said.

"Oh yes. I came in yesterday."

"Mhm. Well if you want the job, its yours. Be here tomorrow at nine sharp to become a trainee." She said and ended the call.

Damn, she seems sassy.

Within another hour, Lauren finally came home. She plopped down on the couch, looking exhausted.

"Found a job?" I asked.

"Yep. In Starbucks." She gave me a thumbs up.

"Fair enough, I got the job at Nike." I smiled.

She nodded her head and went upstairs to her room.


I was getting ready to go to the Nike store today since I obviously wanted the job.

I wore a plain white t-shirt with some black jeans that were ripped at the knees. I left my hair in its natural form and applied a little bit of concealer to my under eyes. Finally, I just added a tinted lip balm and gathered all my things, then heading out the door.

After a ten minute walk, I arrived at the Nike store and walked inside, straight to the counter. There was a lady behind there who had long thick blonde hair and a full block fringe. She was about middle aged, as there was some wrinkles starting to appear on her face. Her name tag read 'Amanda. Store Manager'.

"Hi. I'm Camila Cabello, I applied for a job." I smiled at Amanda.

"Ah, Camila. Yes come follow me." She said sheepishly and I followed her behind the desk and into the "Staff room".

"This is Andres, he'll be training you for the next few days. It does't take that long to get a grasp of how it works here."

Andres was a tall, brown haired boy. He looked around twenty three ish. My age.

He had two dimples that were on either sides of his cheeks. They stood out a lot.

"Andres, start training her." Amanda instructed her.

We both walked back out to the main desk.

"So you already know me, what's your name?" He asked.

"Camila." I smiled.

He smiled back.

For most of the day, I was told how to work the walkie talkie things and then was shown where to go to bring the trainers out and everything else that was stored in the back of the store.

Finally, I had to serve some customers, before calling it a day.

Andres was stood right behind me as I served customers.

"Can I help?" I shouted to the person who was next in queue.

He put down a pair of joggers and a plain Nike shirt. I scanned both items before placing them into a bag.

"That's seventy eight fifty please." I read the price then looked up at the guy.

He was wearing some dark sunglasses and a snapback to cover himself up.

He brought out his notes and looked at me whilst handing the money.

He frowned and studied me.

"I recognize you." He said. He thought about it for longer then his frown softened.

"I met you yesterday, outside the store. You dropped your lady essentials." He chuckled.

I took the money from his hand, embarrassed and typed away on the till.

"Your receipt is in the bag." I said, ignoring his comment before.

He chuckled again.

"It was nice meeting you again Playtex." He winked and walked off, leaving me shocked.

I sighed and turned around to Andres who was blatantly confused.

"It's a long story." I said to him and he nodded still unsure.

That was the second chapter! It's probably a bit rushed now and doesn't seem that good so I apologise!

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She's Mine | Camila Cabello and Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now