Cats of BatClan are skilled fighters in both day and night battles they train themselves to see more than any other cat using different techniques learned from the colony of bats they share their camp with. BatClan joins the original Clans when the mysterious MistClan appears one day, their territory is located just behind the borders of ShadowClan where forest restoration has taken place. BatClan's camp is located in a cave inhabited by a colony of bats in which both bats and cats have an agreement that the cats will not hunt the bats unless they are old and or sick, this works well as the cats of BatClan have almost the same prey as ShadowClan so they hunt a verity of different animals and only eat bats if they are desperate.
Lonestar .T. (leader)
Thornear .T. (deputy)
Goldendot .S. (medicinecat)
Greeneye .S. (medicine cat apprentice and seer)
Silvermoon .S. Apprentice- Silverpaw
Swiftravan .S.
Bearfoot .T.
Wolffang .T. Apprentice- Ravanpaw
Nighteye .S.
Riverpelt .S.
Windrunner .T. Apprentice- Joypaw
Foxwhisper .T.
Firestorm .S.
Nightfall .S.
Skywise- Starkit .S.
Stormeyes- Shimmerkit .S.,Mistkit .T.
Silverpaw .S.
Ravenpaw .S.
Joypaw .S.
Whitescar .T.
Tornsmoke .T.
Pidgeonheart .S.
Rockfall .T.