Hell is a hard handful to hold on to.
The truth is the hardest to swallow.
Why must we hold on to such torturous things, that always come back to us so vindictively.Accepting the love we think we deserve even when you come home everynight and enter with a slap to your face.
Profusely denying what happened because covering up the full story prevents the fear of it getting worse.
Drowning your life away in cannabis to help forget what happened,and thinking that solves your problems when it creates a bigger issue.
Crying yourself to sleep at night because you went through another day of allowing the cruel actions that others intended to your sanity
Why do little happy things turn into a handful of hell, why is the truth so hard to swallow.
It isn't that the world is evil.
It's just full of unnecessary actions.-this poem doesn't have a name but it's written by me and I like it-
Poems via the depressed girl
PoetryPoems that really hit my soul. Some are depressing and horrifying and are full of terrible things that I and many others can relate to. Otherwise some are joyful and fun. These poems will be like stepping inside my head,and seeing what really goes o...